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Show LETTERS OF WIFE CHARGE INFIDELITY GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. July 6 cross examination of Melvlh E Trot-ter Trot-ter luperlntendenl of thf t;rand Rap-Ids Rap-Ids City Rescue Mission, who is defendant de-fendant in a suit for separate maintenance main-tenance instituted b his wif,- l.Ui.' rrotter. was concluded In superior ourt h.-re this afternoon after the Introduction In-troduction of dozens of letters exchanged ex-changed between the principals Throughout the mlsshcs. ran ref-r-jenc.,s to Mis. Trt.-r's . barges Of in-iriaeUty, in-iriaeUty, and her principal accusation concerning the parentage of a child born to Miss fIt- net- Moodv, th evanfrcllst'e secretary, ae well aa de. -laratlons of Innocence on Trottor s part. Trotter was on the stand to Identify the correspondeno, which counsel for th.- plaintiff stated was Introduced to disprove the mission Workers contention that his wife's hargc-i resnped from mental dlsoi der. The superintendent testified that his afternoon his wife hud frequently rebuked him for his supposed attentions atten-tions to other women. In one of Mrs. Trotter's letters, she acqused her husband of fining all In our powei to ruin me and destroy our Pome " The letter was in replv to one from the evangelist in which he told Mrs. Trotter "you have played the fool long enough." and advised her to 'stop talking. " Trotter has fiied a cross bill for absolute divorce |