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Show DEVICE IS AID I TO NAVIGATION iLocates Plains, Table Lands And Mountains On Sea Bottom WASHINGTON. July 6 Extensive plains and table land bordered by rh contains at the bottom of the sea, some of which rUe more than four j thousand feet above the plains, liav been disclosed to iIk1 navy department through soundings taken hy the destroyer de-stroyer Stewart with a new sounding device on a cruise Just completed from Newport to Gibraltar The device, which operates on the prln lple of timing a "i efle echo' was perfected by Or. Harvey C Hayes, physicist of the engineering experimental station at Annapolis and Is r-xpected to revolutionize piloting and navigation. NFAV TRADE ROUTES. An outline of trade routes through Its use should give my nureber of lundniarks at the bottom of the sea for use in Ending a ship ? position, an annotincamenl by thj navy department depart-ment of tha tess conducrei by the Stewart, -aid tod-y. More than 900 soundnrs wre made during flays consumed In th- trip 'dui x. nrport io Gibraltar of from 20 minii.es to two minutes frequency, while eieumlnt; at IG knots nri hour. Soundings may be made in deep or shallow water without the use of a lead, or other casting rer-board. rer-board. the announcement md DEEP DEPRESSION H Severul deep depro..,iona at 'he bottom bot-tom of the sea were found thai have never beon shown on cherts and positive posi-tive depths data were obtained where - harts showed only negative data in the vicinity of the Azr.rr |