Show GENERAL DIRE DIRECTORY weber county comprises all that portion of the ilia bounded south by davig county and the dividing div v aln arideo between denand and N weber V bw r valley boht by tho the eastern callep of great area salt lako lake north by a line d drawn rawn duo due eart from a point on said sald shore to the hot springs bytho by tho territorial road north of og coguen an city thence by tho the summit of tho the spur range term terminating at said iio hot springs to its intersection with tho the of tho the wasatch mountains cast east by tho the summit of said mountains the government of tho the county Is 11 tested in the county court composed of the probate judge who Is ex officio tho the presiding officer and three selectmen who hold orlief for three years yean one being loing chosen every birst year car lar bernis begin on tho the arst monday in each season of the year tho the judiciary power ower Is vested in the probate court presided over by tho the probate judge who is elected biennially and holds hla his ofeleo for two years the court Is to always open the county clerk la to ex clerk odthe of the probate court and la is elected biennially elections are held annually on the first monday in august present population ration of af the tho county about WEBER COUNTY COUTY OFFICERS probate judge F D It richards Ichards selectmen thoo wallace ogdon ogden F A hammond huntsville LW shurtliff lff plain city clerk Cler cleckl kL L it richards and collector hyrum hoi tr treasurer nap ip x robert attorney P F S richards Klc hards sheriff william brown coroner mark nail hall Ro recorder C C richards surveyor David Jenkins county road Commissi commissioner onor M 13 child superintendent of district schools L P monch board of examiners L F monch W W burton and charles wright physician Physic lan 11 J powers precinct officer docx PRECINCT justice of the reaco c F P midd lAton constable alma keyes won mortn icat justice of the tho peace nathaniel montgomery constable gamt EW wade PLAIN CITY justice of the peace john spier constable wm win L stewart huntsville PI rl justice of the peace W IV bronson Con constable wm win slater harrisville rAE PRECINCT justice of ane peace L J taylor Con Constable joseph A taylor PRECINCT justice of the peace L A pritchett constable aliso ferrin fintan justice of th the a peace G goo eo L corey constable robert gale WEST WIEST WEBER PRECUt yC justice of tho the Peace Hans D potter retter son Con constable thomas etherington LYNNIS PRECINCT justice of the peace D F p thomas constable W IV crano crane PRECINCT justice of the peace reace jaa jas hutchins constable geo goo IV stanger PRECINCT justice of the peace richard dye Clist constable blo john joha child PRECINCT justice of the peace amory 17 soule C constable gilbert R belnap WILSON PRECINCT justice of the peace Pea ceWin wilton wilson constable thoa tho J wilson PRECINCT justice of the peace reace thos salisbury ry Con constable moroni S marriott ogdon was byg incorporated by act ot at t the he territorial legislature atu reap approved january 1801 1861 municipal mee elections c occur biennially odd years on the second monday in lebr february uary present population the city is situ situated aid in the delta of th the a weber and the ogdon ogden rivers and commands a magnificent view of of the tile picturesque valley talley of which it forms the principal though a marginal feature ture lying as it docs at t the foot of the wasatch mountains and within e easy a y communication and and sight of rica nearly aly e every v other settlement within the b basin tho the city Is divided into four municipal wards each of which is i represented in the common council by an alderman chosen from the ward wara by the electors of the cie city at large which bk latter also choose at tho uio same time a complete list of city officials being at present as follows officers cars of tho council mayor lester J herrick errick II Ala aldermen ormen first ward edwin stratford second ward robt me third ward joseph yoseph stanford yourth ward IV hutchens councilors councillors Counci lors thos D dee thomas doxey joseph farr JOB jos T johnson and S W H higginbotham recorder james taylor treasurer aaron F farr assessor and collector thos D deo dee marshal alma ke keyes captain of police its alma ma ke boyes su of streets Chas welch V ih thos boxe doxey y sealer of weights and measures david EL browning inspector of buildings N f C fly bare care sexton israel canfield supt bupt of water works thomas D doxey afe medical edical board of examiners john D carnahan wm 14 L t E L williams quarantine rint iii physician n wal mo mc J intyre stock inspector II 11 V lff inspector of provisions david X E browning chief of fire department alma keyes jailor james ST brown pound round keeper 11 V lO STANDING municipal laws joseph stanford E stratford ls R Alc on water supply IK R Me J stanford thos D dee on license a II 11 arn w wm m B hutchins thomaa thomas doxey on streets joseph stanford robt thomas doxey on claims E ESt stratford ratford S if higginbotham gln gin botham jos T johnson on eublio buildings jose joseph ph stanford E stratford joseph farr on public works it R rio doxey thos D dee on public grounds S 11 botham wm win B hutching hutchins E H atrat ford on fire dep department artmont joseph farr E stratford thomas doxey on sanitary regulations wm win B hutching hutchins jos T johnson S ii 11 ing am on finance E H stratford R joseph stanford |