Show the contributor 99 the october number orthis of this valuable periodical is is number ono one of vol volume nine four like all its pre it ia is literally crowded with choice literature among the contents odthe of the current issue we notice biography of george A smith part with portrait objections to the book of mormon peculiarities of the Alexi cans dagenbach Ragen bach eternal duration of Afat matter l starry heavens heaven sermons aad and writings of the prophet joseph smith great salt lake like in t the ile wake of the church the I hill lill Cumo cumorah rab the third epistle music desolate shores inconsistencies of modern chi christianity abian ll 11 architecture and many articles other articles of interest besides th usual amount of editorial matter the contributors to the maga magazine zinc i arc are writers of talent and experience the circulation and influence of alio contributor increase with evera issue and we wish for it all the success sua its publishers can desire |