Show TELEGRAPH TIDINGS by W U telegraph to the military li Mat tatters cr Cu icAro oct 13 A washington special says the following named off officers cers will be selected from frond duty in the departments depArt menta bet set opposite respective names and will re report in person to the commanding comman dinc general the department for assignment to duty capt richards burnett assist ant Surge department of the platte capt louia WC W crampton assistant surgeon in tho the department of dakota first lieal louis brechemin assis tant surgeon of the department dakota ajor general edwin mcdowell owell com commanding mandin ta the ab A military division of t the he pacific will I bo be placed on the retired list liatos of tho tile army on the in stant from best information obtainable on the subject brigadier general john pope wiil be be promoted to the th e rank of major general and col G se r to the rank of brigadier oen n cral major general J 31 schofield scho abeld will relieve general mcdowell McDo weIl from the command of the division of the pacific on the the tt talor lor ily days ST louis oct 13 11 tho the potts posta marsh field mo special says sheriff Sli erill laclede on a passenger train near here this morning morn ing recognized 11 B atay taylor the desperado who with two brothers murdered the sheriff and dranty sheriff of hamilton county tennessee on the of september I last ast and as taylor resisted arrest shot ahot him dead it is thought a brother af pf of taylar taylor was on board but ho be has disappeared tho JW chattanooga special reports that one of the taylor boys is surrounded in the woods near blocks wood by A posse who are bound to capture him sixteen thousand dol laag laas reward are offered for these men weed at his worst N NEW NW W YORK yon oct 13 the veteran editor thurlow weed is inevitably aloway sinking to the tile grave though momentarily here and there thera better hi great age is against III him and the improvements do not last long private advices advises say isay the wort worst must be looked for in the very near future that Se scandal andal oct 13 merrick im bays ys the attorney general is investigating the conduct of brewster cameron in the alleged attempt to influence the star route jury such an investigation he thinks is demanded to dispose of any imputation which might a affect erect the character afan of an officer of ochia his department foreman Dick sons original statement baa has been followed by UY contradictions and denials but if any aar corrupt act should be finally proven against cameron or any other officer of the department Dopart me nt he will be summarily dismissed from govern goyer ment men service ervice oct get 13 the egyptian E P minister Mi flister has a list of the landed ian I e d proprietors eLors who were in rebellion their property pr arty worth ten million dollars will wi ribe be confiscated simple simon philadelphia oct 13 simon cameron does not n ot believe that an effort is making to secure the withdrawal of beaver but believes ho be will bo be elected lie ile believes good would come out of this crisis and the party would be victorious in 1884 1894 shipping sheep oct 13 11 D naret of umatilla natilla Ui county oregon haa has driven through h from oregon to the burling ton missouri river railroad in colorado one lot of sheep and five thousand of these have been alil aped to chicago and a portion of them were in the sales at the stock yards yesterday the thereat rest of this herd are grazing in colorado these sheep after haying baying been driven 1300 miles from near tile line of washington territory and then en duriez it ride of 1400 miles by bl rail appear in tho tile yards aa as neat and clean as any animals arriving and average pounds the weight ranging from to pounds per head mr naret said the sheep cost him hirn about a head the cli clip p of the wool paid for the sheep tile cost of shipping by rail averal averaged zed a licad head and the price obtained hero here was about per head rol political lucal points oct 13 11 official cial reports from tile different counties counti csare are coining in very s slowly y on account ofa of scratching on id all 07 local cal tickets As the returns como come in from the different counties it looks as I if f the great grgat sweeping i victory by the democracy Demo would bourd victaw dwindle d angl n d I e down own to only a small smal craer majority the democrats are considerably surprised at morey and hart having been elected olec ted but they seem satisfied because they hayea have a majority of the tile the delegation to congress NEW oct 13 the evening post says ali the e el election of folger appears rs today to day utterly impossible even the party managers know it although they do not openly say so the defections in the republican ranks arc are enormous and they tile y aro are irremediable me med diable lable they are mainly among a class of people who have waited waitea long but having made up their minds are not easily frightened or cajoled raj oled sympathy for folger personally will no longer stem the current tho tile entire problem the republicans have to solve gole is how to make his ila defeat useful to the cause of good government and the party too they should make it euch such a deleat defeat that everybody must understand its meaning it should bo be made clear that it is not tho the result of democratic skill or increasing creast ng agular popularity it f but hilt the tile work of tho the reau republicans gicana themselves who are determined to emancipate their r party from the tile vicious rule and restore its Is moral vitality hutzfeldt Hatz feldt ou the appointment of count von yon Hati feldt to the for eign n has been definitely settled von minister at athens will succeed him aa as minister at constantinople it is considered by some persons that the appointment of count von hutzfeldt Hatz feldt is ia an indication that he will eventually succeed prince bismarck who is is known to entertain the tile highest opinion of him abot playback ST locis louis jet oct 12 about half post put five this morning john A cockerell managing editor of th the rott post dispatch shot and killed col D AV a prominent lawyer well known politician and ex con gres this city at present it is is unknown how the shooting tho otine occurred as no one directly concerned in the matter will mako make a statement 11 II NY W moore city editor odthe of the who was sitting at his desk jesk at the time says that whilo cockerel Cockerell john mcduffin alie business manager ger and victor T cole tho foremans fore foreman mant were bol holding dinga a business conference in tho the editorial room col ya db W T clopton ent entered erad the ranie local oca I room and passed on toward tho the editorial room the door of wh w huh ich was closed mr moore turned in ti his lis chair as the tareo passed by and ho lie observed that col as he be opened the tile door with his left liand land biad d his right hand in in hia lis pistol pocket and in less than a minute after entered Cock Cocke erella room heard the ruport n iii jio im hu ud d a I a pang up and on oil entering th the e e editorial room faund stretched on tile floor and cockerell bending over him apparently wiping blood from his face cockerell abkes asked moore to send for ft a physician wh winch ich he be did lid and a few moments later dr mccarty arrived but not until had died ho he died about three minutes after being shot meanwhile cockerell washed hia his hands and in less that five minutes after tho the fa tal shot was fired he and entered a carriage and drove arra away U it t is 18 not yo bot known where the ball I from Cocke pistol entered slay backs loft left side near he flie heart beart and ran ranged d upward whet whether tier it entered thele the heart art is not known but it must lave penetrated the lu lungs n s an im immense crowd fathered gathered around the offlie office ce and remained there until long after dark the deplorable affair seems to have ha crown grown out of the publication of an editorial in in the post dispatch tins this evening statin stating that in a petty pol political iti ca meeting in in the eighteenth ward last applied str strong vile ang language to the post dispatch and IM its conductors in making charges which ho lie knew to be faleo false and in in retaliation for tills this the aper paper produced a card pu published blishel a year ear ago by john jolla N X glower glover a well known snow n young lawyer in which the writer charged col playback with cowardice john it mcduffin ind victor T cole tonight to night made a statement as 03 to what occurred in the room where the shooting took place they say in in substance subs tance tanem on entering the room throw his coat back drew a re solver volver and advance wd said well im in here hare sir i r then the n abse observing arving I a weapon n on cock brells desk he asked Is that for me to which cockerell replied no its for nee uee only to defend myself bla blaylack then eaid said you arc are prepared to draw then draw t P onal IT antt ant A ot to drawee d raw away from here dont want to lave lia anything to do with you clayback and clopton meantime pressed forward and crowded cockerell against the wall then they all got into a sort of tussle each having hold field of the other cockerell being the most crowded the latter asked mcguffin to take playbacks Slay backs pistol from him and while he attempted to d do so the weapon was a s discharged and staggered and sank to the floor mcguffin obtained playbacks slay backs pistol and has it now clopton who accompanied slay back to the tile office states it was on playbacks slay backs request who said lie would first slap tho the editors face and hen then debald an apology for an article ar title published clopton did not reach the editorial room as soon as Slay bick on entering he lie heard sia back say dont you draw that pistol on me simultaneously cockerell fired clopton says it was after this that ho lie caught Cocke arm to prevent him from again and forced him back against the wall vall holding linn win till ho he saw slay back shot A lien lio went to the lattera latt erB assistance As far as he lie knows Sla baik did no not at j tack cockerell until after lie the latter fired nor did ho lie show any pistol it is understood cockerell had been in consultation with counsel all ni night and ft it has been decided that ho lie sur render to the work cincinnati Cici AT oct IS 13 tile sims lancaster ky special sas says Wil william liftin austin kustin was hung today to day for the murder of ins his aunt betsy B uland nd ho lie remained calm calin and denied hia his guilt until a moment before me drop fell when lie whispered in the tile air c of the minister lie did the murder whisky was the cause and lio lie warned his bro ther against it irish impetus is oct 13 it is expected that 1200 to 1500 per sorri will attend the national conference next week the main purpose of uie tile conference will be to establish a a new organization to bo be known as the irish national allea league ue and provide ide for the election of a national convention ft inch which chall shall choose the executive odthe of the new league an account of the expends turea lures of the land lea league ue fun fund will be rendered at this conference the principal object of tho the new lea league will be vigorous vigo ious agitation for the redress of grievances the abortion of landlord isia and the im improvement pro of the condition of the labo laborers aers and practical mease measures res will be proposed proposed posed and a definite policy mar marked tro about out plans will be submitted for the revival of irish indus industries trio and the promotion notion of biome manufactures it is understood that the dissolution of the A homo rule league will bo be announced at the conference mysterious murder CINCIN cincinnati oct 13 th tho oni only I important m arrest III in connection wit with III tho tile murder of A 11 koa toss for whose assassination sassi nation a reward of had liaa been offered is jos T portor porter ft a detective who claims ho lie was working up the aso case and in whose possess possession jon arc are nui numerous nerous me memoranda moranda pointing to ono one huffier as the guilty man mail grain goim agn conn oct 13 john jolin large elevator burned this morning te together gether with bushels of oats ot corn ofa heat I and of mize mixed agrain arrain tho the loas loss I la to OW insurance rescued from death the following statement of win J CO coughlan u g all in ln of somerville mass Is BO so remarkable m e that we beg to ask it tho the attention of our adera re iio lie gaya in tho the fall of 1876 iviah way taken W wath th a violent t bleeding of the lungs followed by a severe cough I soon began legan to lore and flesh I was BO so weak at ono one time that I could not leave my iny bed in III tho the summer of IM I was admitted to tho tile city hospital ital while there the doctors said I had h ad a hole it in my led loft lung as big asphalt asa linIt dollar I over a hundred dollars in doctors octora il and medicine I was BO so far gono gone at one time tinie a report went want around I was wi dead I nn n I hope ia pe b but t a friend laid ino of dr win r flails imlig balsam fo for r the me lungs I laug laughed at my ly friends thinking my iny case was incurable fil curable but I got a bottle to satisfy them when to to my surprise ur prise and gratification Y commenced bonime n to feul feel in ill better spirits uan than I havo have the pat past throe years I write this hoping you will pub liah lish it so that every one afflicted wit diseased lungs will be induced to lake take dr vm VA halls vails balsam or the lungs and und Q convinced UJ T CAN C IV hn I havo have taken two bottles and can call positively say that it has ims done doromore dO nomore cuore good od than all the other J to have y taken mince my sickness my fy cough lias has almost entirely disappeared and I shall soon bo be able to go to work sold gold by all dru druggists ests take win halls fis bal aram only beware of Counter counterfeits folts d taisi |