Show convention fridays FrI dalys transactions in fit the herrl contention of the peopled party reassembled at 10 a ra called to order by the president roll called quorum present prayer by the chaplain lain minutes of yesterday were rend and the necessary corrections having been made were approved J R murdock reformed reported that air hayborn Hey boro born regular derogate de en from iron 11 county having left the city would not be able to attend the convention aud and herry lunt having presented his credentials as alternate to mr hegborn Hey Iley born on motion of sir mr gra liani liam mr lunt was admitted to membership in the convention and hia his name was placed upon the roll the committee appointed to wait upon the governor reported progress and asked for further time in in which to make its final report sir mr woolley presented the following in resolutions whereas IF hereau the governor of the territory aa as at present not consider that he has any authority to call calla a special election for filling the vacancy of delegate from utah in the forty seventh congress therefore be it lie Re reined solved Ived that this convention before its final adjournment journ ment proceed to place in nomination a candidate to fill eaid said va cancy can cy and that the territorial committee of the peoples party have full authority to take such further steps as shall be necessary necessary to secure the election of eaid laid candidate or to withdraw the same aa as shall best the interest of the people of utah and that the committee appointed to wait upon the governor be released from further duty carried the minutes of the temporary organization being called for were then read corrected and accepted the reading of the resolutions was received with prolonged applause a and a vote of thanks was tendered to the committee that framed them mr penrose said that to be consistent with one of the planks in the platform lW the women citizens of utah utah should have some representation in the territorial central committee he ile therefore moved that the lady delegates be permitted to nominate two ladies as members of that committee carried sirs mrs iloene nominated mra mrs E B wells and mrs howard nominated mrs 11 I horne home these I ladies a were added to the committee the convention then proceeded to nominate candidates for the t he office of delegate to congress and on motion of R K williams nominations were left free free to ev every e ry delefave de delegate judge williams nem nominated ina i P S richards of ogden the nomination was seconded but mr richards firmly and respectfully declined and in a neat nea but brief speech nominated hon john T caine seconded by C IV penrose J R murdock nominated W II 11 hooper and urged his claims to the position seconded by S R thurman I mr J R win der announced that captain captai n hooper having heard that liis his name bad been mentioned as delegate wished to decline bar thurman stated that he had come here prepared to nominate warren S dusenberry but as lie had requested that his name should not be presented he endorsed the nomination of W 11 hooper and passed P amed a deserved eulogy on that gentleman mr penrose endorsed the sentiments expressed e x rem d in in relation to capt W H cooper hooper but urged the qualifications f ficat ions of hon john T caine as ft A man of ability lity and arid experience in many positions mr creer supported the nomination of capt hooper mr richards being agam ng n mentioned that gent gentleman lerna with hanks thanks for tho the honor asked that his name ho be not mentioned in this connection but that his friends would cast their votes for mr caine judge Willi lV illiams aas was in favor of voting and then if either gentleman eitleman ent leman was nominated n mina ted who wilfed wished to decline he could do so mr dunn duna supported mr W H hooper on motion the convention proceeded to ballot the chairman af each delegation collected the ballots ballot of his county on the fint ballot jolin john T came caine received 53 votes W hooper 12 P F S richards necessary to a choice 46 on motion of judge williams th the e nomination was made unanimous john T caine was declared to be bp the nominee of the convention on motion of mr graham a cam it tee of three was appointed to wait upon mr caine aa as follows J C araham geo aa M ottinger ana anc mrs 31 I horne OH 01 motion of mr air penrose the conven convention tiou proceeded to nominate a delegate dle gate for the term of the go Gon greM captain CA tain tro hoopers pers claims were ur urged with great force by several delegates derogates gates mr air richards again nominated mr caine C W pen per roso gosp explained the propriety of sending the e anle man to the remaining session session of the congress as for tho the full term of the the first ballot resulted jolin john T game caine 48 IV 11 hooper 22 necessary f for or choice 46 jobst john T caine received the nomination and it was made unanimous mr stanford offered the following ili mr chairman I move that the delegation composing this convention see that mass mom meetings in their i several counties count iee throughout the territory are held beld to ratify y the principles contained in our platform and canvass for a mammoth vote in favor of our nominee far for the to congress carried hon john T caino caine being escorted to the convention hall ball by the committee responded to a call and madean made an excellent speech for fer which wo we have not room today tho the following was offered by mr C W penrose resolved that in the lion iron geo Q cannon the people of utah bave had an able upright and fearless gentleman ns th their air delegate to con gress for several e or sea seasons zons that his exclusion from fro in the he t pr present m nt congress Gon gresa was a cruel blow aimed at the right of representation that the buno honorable rable gentleman hag has the confidence esteem and admiration of the people s party and that we hereby tender him the thanks ad of f the people for his faithful services servi cei in their behalf c on motion of sir mr it baty 20 copies of the resolutions and declaration of principles be printed in pamphlet form fyr for distribution by bythe the territorial central committee on motion of sir mr A hatch a vote of thanks was tendered to the president and all the officers of the convention the minutes were read and accepted cc benediction by the chaplain cl aap iap adjourned ei si nedie deseret news |