Show funeral Ser flees the funeral services over the remains odthe of the lato late patriarch horace S rawson were held at the family residence on thursday afternoon oct 1882 the services service v ere conducted by bishop N C Fly flygare gure after the opening hymn patriarch samuel eggleston engaged in prayer the assembly which was very large was addressed by president D H peery elders joseph hall lorin farr parr S eggleston and bishop N C flygare all of whom had lad been acquainted with the deceased for many years some sonic for a quarter of a century and one of them elder E ider L farr had known him forty f four our yeara years father rawson was one of the flie earliest recipients of the gospel gogel ai a revealed to the prophet joseph having embraced it in 1331 and was identified with much of the history of the b e church of jesus christ of latter day d ay saints he bore an tin excellent c character b fracter for honesty and uprightness his faith was unshaken and his integrity was unimpeachable pea chable his last words to his family were hold fast to these glorious principles of truth |