Show laist MO prominent ont ohio politicians ceans indulge in ironical correspondence new yoa york democrats trying to effect harmony by B W U Telez raKh to the HERALD gone to Gat matschina ST PETER oct 14 the imperial aerial family and court jett re ace for matschina Gat arrested oct 13 silvester suspect and jas barre were arrested near castle island on suspicion of being the murderers of the farmer thos brown rutlan event IM Tents oct IS 13 upwards of persons lodged claims amounting to OW for the losses of the bombardment bomba ramen t of tho the city LONDON oct 13 one of the principal egyptian ministers do barei that neither he lie nor his colleagues will remain in egypt unless arabi pasha and ho the other rebel leaders be 60 executed lie ile had bad complete confidence that arabi could bo be proved to have given strict orders to burn cairo the trial of the leaders lias has been fixed for monday sir edward malet issued a circular to tho the british consular agents in egypt requesting them thern to send him a list of tho the political prisoners prisoners in in the respective towns ana and strictly strictly watch that tho the Klie dives order for T humane treatment of them bo be carried out gen havelock IIa velock alien allen flatly denies tho the report that english soldiers slaught slaughtered erad wounded egyptians and gives satisfactory explanation of the so called led plundering of baggage CAIRO oct 13 an officer who acted under the orders of suleiman pasha revealed today to day what lio lie knew of the bur burning ninEr of if alexandria but tho the tribunal failed to extort evidence connecting the leaders of the rebellion flashes benny BERLIK oct 13 count von hate feldt will probably bo be gazetted gazett cd for secretary of state of the F foreign affairs on saturday ST autma oct 13 police agent ariene ghobad formed a friend ship with tho Nib nihilist ilist committee was assassinated in a tj church yard at sk colliani goila new oct 13 tho various brandies branches of the democrats Pemp crata of tills city cita are endeavoring to prepare a anlon union county ticket the aliey adjourned till tomorrow to morrow being unable to agree tonight to night president arthur remained at homo home this even evening inz ho lie received only few callers stage WILLIAMS A T tact oct 13 th the e stage coach from frescott prescott A T en route rovie to williams A T was stopped sto by road aliis morning at p hills gd ills Cany janyon twenty four miles south of this wells fargo co a express safe was taken tho the amount of money in the safe is not known but i it I is is supposed to have been small smail lt robinson denti ty district attorney wa was the only passenger in theata the stage and was unmolested ashore At liuro LoN LONDON rov oct 14 the rite steamer anier preston capt osborn from ne new NY york for newcastle sa is ashore near berwick she stands upright but shows her brodle brod broadside ld to the sea which ia Is runn ng atron strike oter over oct 14 gene general ral wheaton commanding in r eastern astern oregon who w ho sent troops to th northern pacific lac pac front telegraphs there is now no need for them no acts of violence having occurred it is believed the strike will ho be over hy by this time buckeye droles Il roll NEW oct 14 the learns from columbus there hag bas been for several years a coolness between governor foster and ex governor thomas L yonn present member of congress from cincinnati nati young predicts the defeat of the republican party directly after ta the leff leg passed tho the sunday law he ile liaa has aflato of late been very loud in his denunciation ritt nuncia elation tion of F foster oster on account of his fight against the liquor traffic aa as now conducted yesterday foster received the following very rem remarkable I ar kable if not insulting telegram from his predecessor CI S oct martes foster rem governor columb ohio congratulations on your only v victory in any rebellion what do you vou think of your achievements rile grand army of the republic recognize your efforts in behalf of the soldier element of our party and tho the germans of t this his and in ohio will ever a appreciate recia t a your service in their be behalf aff signed Ti THOMAS lOMAs L fouzia this afternoon foster replied to the above aws a follows oct jon iron thos L Z young your telegram received your irony is excruciating but a bravo brave sol u aler when sober is not apt to insinuate cowardice in others I am b happy A p aver the fact that I madia aqua squa aquaro r e fy honest fight forthe for the taxation odthe of the liquor traffic and the sunday closing of saloons upon these questions I shall ball not tako a backward step and will will fight it out in this line 11 f deny your right to speak for tha the grand army rill of tho the republic or the germans upon abis subject signed ia S F FOSTER OSTER it is believed these two telegrams will be instrumental in stirring up tip a bitter strife between tho the garfield republicans public ani ans and anti the stalwarts Stal warts and that this is but the beginning ofa of a stalwart war on foster in order to kill him as a candidate for the senate one year hence should tho the republicans gain control dathe of tho general assembly next fall ROUE oct 14 signer signor Za nardell has resigned tho the ministry of justice and of ecclesiastical affairs political hostility ils ills oct 14 itis it is just t learned that on wednesday night while congressman thomas was making a campaign sp cech at carbonate a noah wall named bronson made an attempt to kill him with a large clasp knife but being prevented stabbed john caswell and would have done lone further furt lier injury had ho be not been knocked down and disarmed the trouble originated in political hostility to sir thomas irish item JUB DUBLIN LIl oct lt 14 the convention at athenry atheney At henry galway cd ed resolutions declaring the ri right bt of the country to nominate nati national mial independence accepting the prin principles aples of f the hind land ar for the people and approve approve 11 r ar j and an amen amendment d ment of the bright clause of the land act resolutions w were ere passed deprecating the prevalence of the grass farming of the land ns as tending to paralyze industry and increase pauperism tho committee also resolved to prevent hunting until the extra police drafted dratted in the country are dispensed with |