Show OUR DELEGATE tho the conventions have been held in in salt sali lako lake city of both the peoples party and the liberals each eich has nominated its man for to fill the term in th the forty seventh congress of tho the united states and to act in that capacity in the forty eighth gen congress gress b the Libe liberals raW have nominated one of the strongest and most respectable spec table men they have in their party but they have not the faintest hope that he will be elected at the coining election in november next the peoples party have nominated a strongman strong man whose election maybe may be considered certain if there be no dereliction on the part odthe of the people at the time and place to exercise their franchise fo for this purpose hence irence it is with confidence we place his name at the head of this column JOHN T CAINE as the peoples choice to represent them in the national lei le legislature i slature during the coming sittings of that august body associated wit w ith the pec people a i coming here when ha he was younghe young he has grown up with the growth of the territory he ile knows the wants of his constituents and will represent them thim ably and faithfully in the house in which we fear not to predict he will take his seat sir mr caine is a roan man of standing in the community and lias bas filled honorable positions in it with ability and integrity in september 1870 he became identified with the salt lake Ire herald eald as managing editor which journal has ever been the uncompromising advocate of the rights of all men religious political civil and social regardless of their nationality race or color he ire was actively connected with the management of that journal until 1876 when lie was elected city recorder of salt lake city which position he still holds while he lie has yet an interest in the herald mr caine is also a member of the legislative council of the territory of utah the editor of quarterly magazine some months since in speaking of mr Cain cainas cj future said he appeared destined to serve ufah in the congress a odthe of the united states this prediction is J now to have its fulfilment fulfillment let the people in every part of utah rally to his support in november vember fiber del deposit bosit their ballot for him and show to the world that union is strength and that the peoples e party are united to a man and to a woman and that diat they go solid for their nominee we feel sure that at the coming contest the full poll polling 1139 strength of both parties will be brought out but we at the same time have full confidence in the triumph of the peoples ticket let the committees in every precinct sec see that every man and wo man of the peoples party are at the polls on oil the ath day of november 1882 and deposit their votes for JOHN T CAINE |