Show NO LAW TO PREVENT everything pertaining to the Mor mons and mormonism onisia at the present time ia is of special inter est mt to the general reader the pol itic ians and wiro wire workers arc are also anxious to bearn earn what the people in other lands lan dathan than oura ours think about the people and the problem in utah aud and every prominent or representative man mail whether be is ft a resident or a visitor to thu this country ia is hunted up and interviewed on the great question of tho the day tha mermon formon mo movement v ement 11 A few days since while count carl curl swedish minister at washington was reposing in the reading room of tho the clarendon hotel a reporter of a new york journal discovered him and notwithstanding tho the counts reticence forced him into a brief interview on the sexed question of which the following is tho the gist with the diplomatists reticence lie evaded dwelling upon tho the relations between sweden and tho united states when asked about tho the doings of the american mormon missionaries in hia his native land he said we have no law to prevent these men from carrying on their propaganda a anda and so 10 they cannot be molested healed any attempt to revise the thel constitution in this sense would meet with insurmountable obstacles one being the great prejudice entertained by all all classes in scandinavia against the introduction of any measure sai sw boring of restriction of religious liberty for my part I think the mormon movement will die out of itself as all abnormal movements usually do the best that can be said for it sa faras that most odthe of alie unfortunates who have been enticed into the ranks of mormonism are conscientious and sincere in their belief do you think the great emigration of scandinavians to this country will continue for any length of time yes Yei although it should bo be sal said that the continuous influx is caused less by misery at homo home by the glowing accounts sent back by the emigrants rants of tho the prosperity they have met with here nothing suits the scandinavians better than tho the rough mountainous but productive regions ct ef the northwest 11 from the above statements of the minister the vartiter E vart ites may acaru that in scandinavia there tb re is no hope at present of obstructing the prorogation of mormonism nisin or preventing emigration emi gratl ion from fro m that country to the united states and to utah the editor of the N Y mail and r express from which we have gleaned the above item says in another part of the same issue t that hat the 11 cormons mormons Mor kor mons in idaho hold bold the balance of tho the voting power and that the present nominee from that territory is isan an outspoken out spoken helper for f or the formans mormons Mor 11 for mons that ho lie helped I hon geo Q cannon in washington last winter inconsequence in consequence of which things tho the anti mormont are much opposed to him tho the mail and draws the conclusion n that it seems donnybrook fair motto with a little variation i i s to bo be followed that is wherever you see a mormon head bend hit bit it nv licin rr armr mr ley had better be careful or they will hurt themselves much worse than they will the mormons cormons Mor mons ALFRED A WI will contribute to the November california overland an article entitled A contemporary of washington washing ton f consisting of selections now for the first time made public from the memories of Pete rAdolph grotjan friend of washington jefre jefferson randolph burr etc in the same number IV W crane cont controvert controverts contro roverN verts the ground taken with regard to industrial du civilization by mr spencer in political instructions ilia bis la last st book look other important articles will be through northern mexico in 49 by dr evil literature by chas 11 shinn con tribu eions from 11 C bartlett maryh mary H field jolin manning etc three chapters of leonard kipa kip serial stories poems sketches etc the success of the cross of monterey Mon and other poems by richard E white shows how low intense is the interests in all things early california on this coast tha book lias has received high notices from the press prem and choso who have not already secured copies should do BO so at once if they would get one of the first edition they are isred by the california Iab publishing lishin co california street S F P |