Show POST OFFICE regulations MAILS ARRIVE from the east dally daily at 15 p pm in from thu west dally at an am from erom the north dally at ani from salt lake ata am and pm pan from park city dally daily at atla 10 am MAILS CLOSE for tho the east at am for the west at pm for the north at pm pan for salt lake like attuso am A pm for park city at o ft p in huntsville edon alma ud nd 11 hooper wednesdays and saturdays daya leavo leave at aso fam arrive at pm all mails antis closed althis a am ain in pm general 30 am to pm tn on sundog pm to pm REGISTRY BEai STRY department open from 10 nm am to i pm MONEY ORDER open from to lin to pm orn outside door dpn from nm to pm no mall will be ric to children nor to any uther than the person addressed s by special verbal or written order N X KIMBALL postmaster dr WHITE loaf IT anted wanted a general agent for utah for the mutual reserve fund life lifie association of new york present bu business sinew three millions roil liona per month C gall all on the general agent at the junction city hotel ogden MAJ F G docu tf general agent stock it is necessary that all tithing ng stock should be delivered at the tithing yard in ogden not later than friday next october it J agent ladle ladles who now desire to select dress pat tema temi of the latest styles and arid best best i quality will consult their interests in this respect hy by calli calling tig on miss Slat erat the establishment of Sprunt west side slain blain st ogden den d 02 ir bazar patterns agent for jas mccalls Mc Calls bazar patterns MRS STAYNER main alain st ogden BEER burr has been a larger temperance agent than all temperance apostles for the last 20 years together and the progress of the industry should be encouraged and while people drink let them drink the best which is U 11 BREWERY BEER neen a healthy and find nourishing beverage it RUSSIAN clams chowder winslow jones golden pumpkin in cans and the justly celebrated cooks F favorite babini baking powder holland herring an and limb limburger cr cheese to bo found only at F fred rea J auml co F fourth ou A street ogden utah brocht tf if parties willu i n first elass dental work will do acu v ct to call on W S becbec dentist office cast east side of main street near fourth HERALD office building ogden utah di 18 tf homemade home hoine made is the best W H wright P son ath st have a full fult I line ine of provo homemade flannels fancy yarns dress F flannels lan nels and Repel lauts dallof I A FULL fu LL stock of pure medicines at tit driver fe bishops comer corner of ath fc young streets KENDELLS spavin cure at driver bishops Bishop corner fourth young st THE tur REV GEO Gro H Tn AYEn or 01 bourbon ind says both myself and wife owe our lives to Shi lohs consumption cure at mcnutt aco CO gm Sla platens Sl acus Tens cherry tooth paste an aromatic combination for the preservation reservation eser odthe of the teeth and gums gurus wr it is far superior to any preparation of its kind in the market tn in large handsome opal pots price pi ice 50 cents for F or sale al e by a all I druggists druggists a lasting and fragano perfume price 25 and 60 50 cents TUB tur chealit line of cloaks dolmans colmans Dol mans and ilsters in town at W II 11 wright son af fourth sue street et dola tf WE DE METERS cata catarrh arh cure at driver fourth young streets KELSON whisky 1878 did you bay say well go to freda kiesel co ath street ogden utah wit there rapey whisker whiskey belmont sour mash and monongahela rye at fred J kiesel esel gos cos fourth street og den utah tf homo home manufacture john cutler agent of prove provo woolen stills illa old constitution building salt lake city is daily receiving blankets flannels si meres tweed jeana jeans yarns shawls socks stockings etc and will have a larger and better a assortment sort of homemade home made goods this coming season than he has ever had belore before and solicits the trade aholo aale palo and retail FINE LAKE larn E ERIE and california pure wines wines at fred J kiesel co s gath ath street ogden utah d tf WILL TOO tou SUFFER with dyspepsia and liver complaint Shi lohs is guaranteed to curo cure you daa 11 gin NS at driver bishops corner fourth and young streets jost I tho lie largest and finest ze selection lection of ladies and misses mimes dolmans colmans Dol mans cloaks Ul ulster etc ever imported to toi aiden og den at dola at G GA it ath st FOUR foun FINE finn picture pictures sitting or standing at the colorado gallery three doors from post office for 50 acts a go 00 TO the nevada saloon for fine drinks liquors tobacco and cigars Ii st G M X BANKS proprietor ansta INSTANT has at drivers driver fe bishops corner fourth and young streets home made go to G if tribes ath st for home made flannels yarns blankets Lins evs etc etc SEE WHAT thomas say my in fil the local ad ada clothing Cloth iii A i lar large e c a stock tock of mene i boys a and nd suits a for fall and winter ware at G II 11 tribes ath st at ORDERS TO can all kinds of fruit taken at john J murphys Murp hys trimmings ladies you ill can get et silk blushes plu Plus hes fur trimmings silks satins gatins in all colors bors f for or Dol dolman mans cloak and dress trimmings at IL 11 s fourth street dola at AXY parties desirous of procuring ing i the works of washington irving will find it to their financial advantage ta e to consult us its within ten days dal t f PAn soNs BROS carpets when you want body brussels tapestry three clyor ingrain carpeta ta oilcloth linoleum mata bugs hugs etc go to if tribes carpet rooms ath st lie ile is receiving an immense acock for the fall trade dola at FALL 1802 1882 first in the field marks goldsmith goldsm ith co havo b ave lull just t received a fino fine line of cl clothing ot inho of if their own manufacture T the latest novelties in stetson hata bats all shapes and colors and the best line of handmade hand made boots and shoes in ill the city we solicit inspection buy youn YOUR under clo clothes abes at thomas thomm sl Oyster st sl the luscious bivalves the finest of the country arrived at wines GOODY liquors cigars fifth street baugis tf go to binnin Tho thomas inai main st SL for your our genuine provo woolen gods goods flannels hose rose giuse yarns mens bips HATS and a nobby lindof childrens at sindin fc thomas tf WANTED AND ANI OFFERED not exceeding fi lines in I length h will be inserted in this column one defor te time for 25 ctr ct additional insertions 15 eta extra lines charged at the rate ol 01 CH for each time if you wish lh a situation or if you desire workmen if you have lost or found any thing ihan have hm e you a room to rent orare you deal rous of renting one do you viall to buy buyer or have you articles article oi to dispose of should you wish to make an appointment or call A Inee tInK or have you any other desire that you wish to be made public call epal and have in inobe tte WANTED A partner with a cap TY ital of min in a good paying bus business ineRs in ogden utah mot FOUND in ogden canyon on JL tuesday Toes day oct 10 a spring wagon seat the awner n er can have banie same by applei applying t to J jolin n 11 taylor 2nd and st west osden den utah and paying for this ad d ol 01 st A A DA bargl IN isyou if you vish iah to acet an jl entirely new organ or a sewing wing machine call attlies onico office immediately dolfl t arrivo fpud competent dinners wanted L immediately only good workman need apply G A on amov ANTED A situation as clerk derk in ill W WANTED the grocery and provision busi ness good references apply G 11 box 10 F echo cho city V U P P ry st mt OUN D a flue durliat cow and calf fand JL and now on the premises of the undersigned undersigner under signed the owner can have the same upon proof thereof and payment of this ad D W oct lolli iss docio at A black and while pig it fearne JL came into my illy premises on thursday tho owner can have it by bv proving property and paying for tins fins advertisement verti IV S HILL cor car ad A wall ats SEVERAL pieces of fine business pro property ert f for sale itale apply to james if aro ck dissolution of gf partnership NOTICE nard OTICE is hereby given that inch ard C watkins and george II 11 colter doing under the firm nama of watkins L c colter have this day b by mutual consent dissolved partnership It luchard ichard C watkins will continue in the business a assume sume the liabilities and rolled collect all amounts due the firm GEOROE 11 II Coi arat utah oct 10 1881 dolo at a DR WARMERS C 1111 RATED CORALINE COnA UNK count tn 1881 A CORSET AT lar dr warnor warner after 13 years earn at ej armous enor ot cost han has at lust last a suba nub called coralane Cor allne that is absolute ly unbreakable on the hied with which tue they aro all an their patent and at standard d corbets cor beti the public arc are cautioned d against initiations diled with common or hemp cord corti against corsets sold under vie name of coralane Cor allne such as Cord allive coralane a n caroline etc you are in vaunt of a cor eor geddo ado nut not bur buy until you have been the g genuine en U ina sold Bold only by agents J JJ J A bistrong mi strong who Is traveling in the interest odthe of alio urner brothers doranne corsets will visit every hono in eden tills boned and und rile live overy lady a chance to see for and iska A nt tit in ct rry instance I have lla e also aiso dr r warner Wan iera a evra c aurbery nitra ry coutv pra drs oray fosters l back sul ui biting port ni shoulder bh cracey the wilton t rr r net kalsta va Val valsta sta for children pluses misses curet s wi t b AM rt supporters hewing bowing machines of nur ii a attern rp rf P aired and warranted J J A Irav PlIng ahrent beate nt cawn tevi uie ollace d t ht tl L for corsets or repairs in sow inc im SPRUNT ARK APE NOW at their yew stand west side main st ogden where they have out their meir large and splendid assortment of NEW N EW merchandise ci th y have now rec received sivea from tho the east a foll line itne of DRIERS GOODS AND r s i together with a fine block stock of the LATEST STYLI S or 01 FUL HO goods good dc c and excellent supply of staple anil and fancy groceries the choicest brands of AND CIGARS doa tf i j w BANKER J corini utah buys ana and B salu Erd sange on all the principal cd cities of the united E stales 11 and A europe uro pe Trans transacts atts a central ranking ban liar 1141 am attention attens given to czerw dor ta maiz BOOTS GOOD YEI r fihnn t I COS THE BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY OF CITY orty buy your boots and shoes direct from the tho factory THEY ARE ARM CHEAPER ina BETTER THIN IMPORTED AND iran anted to give sat eUon manufactory one door noth of 71 OM IX I dilli PALA PALACE CEi SALOON att west tide side main hain scnear St near fourth V J tuat U T P E N VA a with tho beet best stoe bof liquors wines and cigars U beell on draught in bottle ottle IS HEW wm RO TABLES BUB biot ill ml I cold coli j lunch it ti eh first caras cla ear renders GO CO d WILLI WILLIAM Alif FEY FRY caister Cai CaUn pter tor contractor guildor Bril Buil iier dor main st and ogdon river bridge iia JUST A first aclus clus carpenter shop sho P all kinds of building fork mork millwright and cooper work mork WAKIl AXTEn ier dono in first class style w the vun van auken TAL the enormous business bus bies of lr dr van aeiken is accounted fur for by ins bis low fig urea ures for the best teeth manufactured he ile now lias has the inott improved ma ina chinery cliine ry run by steam stearn and can turn out fifty seta sets per pr week ho ile will soon enlarge his premises keep cep all linda kinds of stock and instruments and give instructions in dentistry ilia ills skill has become aa as widely wadel known as lis ilis to reasonably conf bly charges institute institute on luth east ast street treet one block MOO of alth ward car track salt iaco I aco city WILL jill LT VISIT pody after hi t ills his steam machinery tf PILES PILES I PILES PRES A suro sura curo cura found at lost I ho no ono need A su ore cure for stelling and jiles lias has deca by dr nil nit indian remedy called dr uliana Wilt 11 tum lutian A box wi laiu gw cured the i ise worst chronic ci baioa on e ofis orad gara no vo one need new su tier more uin 11 ann e wonderful rul soothing ine dicine LiOt t long oil instruments and do more hanu than good absorbs the tumors allay tite intense at niter atter etting warm in tn bed nets acts an as a poti I uce g ive ves instant antl anle relief and only F rint e s rohini itching of the trie private aarts and tor r noth ot i i ini int alto el bend t what the hoa lion J SI 11 of says hitaj st about ut dr it than ive pile aird I have bwl beom of pile cures and it alfords me ine pleasure 10 lo nay say blint I I have never founis atiya jig which CHO y such and ana perina neut rc relief e n an dr H baal s jaent farsalo lr byall all or dialler dialled onre on receipt of e aloo CN C N H Y it arop w va vi a easily e aibe ad outfit free adare true lo 10 i o AU piaia pia ij MUSICAL sin air ED I desire to inform your many that 11 am aill just receiving from the manufacturers N far luf a actu aers in ill magdeburg saxony and ger manya large stock concertinas Concer tinas of the latest style and of the best bt quality ja harmonicas Harmo collica nicas of the best brand flutes fo for orchestras and martial Bal bands lit s cifes fifes violins violin in short everything in the music line having purchased these good on a falling market I am prepared to sell MI wholesale to music dealers find retail to the public at anees never before obtain fain ed by them mein I have also purchased a very large stock of American made mad e goods I from the manufacturer suc such aldo as guitars tambourines Tambour ines abc atc at low prices for gash instruments for brass or partial martial B bands a da will w i I I be b e supplied by me at less les prices t than h an cau call be obtain obtained edeny ny achere else this will be evident on examination THE MW MASON ANO HAMLIN ORGANS arc are not equaled by any organs made the have bare proved the most durable in the country 1800 purchasers in this territory say so the principal E r i aci nci in the territory havo a bought gilt them for their own use in preference pret brence to all others they the have taken the first prizes at or aal the worlds exhibitions over all competitors they are tire acknowledged by alic doilda musicians to be the best cabinet made in cither either europe or america E P carpenter organs arc are ranking next in quality and are scattered allover over the world worl and are sold by the largest dealers with the greatest s satisfaction atis I have havo 70 75 organs in stock I to select from and arid at reduced prices and thirteen pianos in stock of the very best and medium I makes including chickering LIL bon sone steinway sons soils behr bros co hardman ardman II peck sons to be seen in my illy music room t and all at moderate prices I have biad over 1000 song books published recently containing 48 songs with music for cents each iu which collection will be found some of the latest songs published and gold sold at 40 cents each in sheet form Mai mailed ledfor for C G cents also many oilier other sa sou I g b dooks with piano and organ naom accompaniments aliments ani ments from 60 centa I rear res fully I invite all persona persons conlin coming r salt fal it lake city to call at I my ircel P sno 72 east tern ply e and look at my magnificent stock of general musical merchandise cl addise which is not excelled anywhere NT acre orders by mail prompt promptly ant y attended to DAVID CAL DElt dsa cm gm importer and jobber CROWN ORGANS U sewing machines na atwol wot rn rd respectfully invite im lie the elti zemi J ot of ogden anil and vicinity to J CALL AND EXAMINE ml large largo stock of crown organs AND ay aln G MACHINES I before buying elsewhere or office av and Saks saleroom at dr de aih houte cor ad ai R I I anaf an Kf stair djinis jol r FIRST NATIONAL BANK JW ev K Z |