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Show InttrtiUni Church. HL James' Chapel at Klberon, N. J., with on exception th only olac of worship at this famous summer resort, has a unique history and certain feature fea-ture of national Interest Here Gen. Grant apent a good portion ot bla time during bis term aa prealdont, and here In 1881 Wealdent Uurtleld aa taken to die. ' ' 1 It Is repeated that Prcaldent Garfield (aid to his wife one memorable morning, morn-ing, aa the ringing -strokes from th blfry of this chapel, almost across Ui way from the cottage, reached hla eara, "Crete, what are they ringing that bell fort" "That." said Mrs-. Garfield, "la the church where w wcut when w first BT. JAM KB' CHAPEU came down; they are all going to pray for you to get well." and, getting on her kneea, the aald. "and I am going to pray, too, James, that it may be oon." From where he lay. General Garfield could see the carriages draw up and group after group go in. He could even hear the subdued refrain of "Jesus, Savior of My Soul," aa It waa borne by on Ita heavenly way. Thrilled with emotion, a tear trickled down th President's face. In th church memorlnl tablet are reeled to President Garfield, President Orant, Anthony J. Drnxel, the eminent emi-nent banker and financier of Philadelphia, Philadel-phia, who Was for msny years a vestryman ves-tryman and lending supporter of the chinch, and to George W. Chllds, tbe distinguished editor and publisher, who waa one of tbe founders ot th chapel and who tor many yaara acted aa usher. St James Chapel wna organized 1 year ngo by summer residents of El-beron, El-beron, and many of the most distinguished distin-guished bishops and clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church In Amer-Ic Amer-Ic have preached within Its wall. It now has a tegular pastor, ltev. William Wil-liam D. Bodlne of Philadelphia. Sor-vlcea Sor-vlcea In the church are conducted only la summer, as during the winter Elber-on Elber-on Is almost deserted. |