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Show Mebelkag Agalaat A all Haling ttalea, Columbia iiulveratty aludeata of New York are rebelling egalnat I fce".- iiaateWaaa eweAwae- - aaatng they were made to alga by the faculty laat year. During the week the varioue elaaaea bava mat and decided de-cided to place alrlogent rulae over the freahmen body beoauae of the curtailment curtail-ment of the upper claaa uien'e privilege priv-ilege I'realdenl Beth Low, In an effort to forratall m repetition of laat aeaaon'i ocourrencea, bee adilreaaed a note to each of the uuder-grxluale boil lea In which he ealla attention to tha eplrlt of the reaolutlon they eigned and aaka their oun tinned co-operation. |