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Show ..CENTJER OF INTELLIQEN0E. Cities Tbl I rs.l ln U rnntnrllnn of T ,. I'rlnl4l Mnller. Nearly Jtt.rsMl.iHjii pounds of printed matter, designed for general dissemination, dissemi-nation, was shipped In one month last year by publishers at the rate uf a rent a pouTuf' at the hundred largest poshim, e In The Culled Slnli.s. rilllR-lug rilllR-lug Trnm f?e,W York nt lbs top to I'jirt Worth, -.Tin..- nt the font, the total ami. not nt mirh icoHnionH having 1'1'sen from 2'Ml.iinO noil pnunils In IMiil to 4M1.1W111 on.) in iti.Hi. These ahlpmenta of printed mutter, colleeleii and trana. milled by the poalofllce depiirtupMit. constllute n very fair gauge of the dls-ttlbutliig dls-ttlbutliig points nf news and literature In Hip I nlted States, and life relation which they bi.tr lo each other la ps- ullav and has little refcience'to popn-bitlen. popn-bitlen. ' : New York stands nt the bend wllh piore than. LT per rent vtf the whole shipments, nf the country.; Chicago follow with ,hIm.uI rwo-ttilrila of the shipment of New York. Then follow tit. Louis, Philadelphia and Uoston, In the older named, Boston's shipment seeming unduly low.' and' teen Kenans City, Clnelii'iiatl nnd Augusta, Me., the shipments 'nf Augusta seeming unduly Muh. Minneapolis. ' Snn Francisco, I'ltlsbiirg, Detroit, St. Paul, Cleveland and .Milwaukee follow-all of them 'minor but populous cities slid then 1. une Spilnetleld, Ohio add Elgin, lit., two small places, Springfield being notable on account of Ita output of ag-rlciiltiii-iil machinery, and Elgin on ac- 1 count nt Its manufacture nf watches uimI Itn shipments of condensed milk. hsltlmure coiue next, then IVnver, Omaha. Des Moines, Atlanta. Llnesiln, Nut h villi', LtiiiLvMIe, Indianapolis and War lilui-.ton, HaliKor, Me., exceeda lluf. fain; HaPas, Tex., exceeds New Or-, leans, Brooklyn has shipments little larger thini those of Watervllle. Mo., end llochester, ' N. Y., Wllllnmsport, Tpx., and Memphis. Teun., have oliout Ihn wants shipments. Albany, N. Y., and riovldeuce, It. I., are far down on (he list. Newark. N. J., Is still further fur-ther down, and Charleston, 8. ('., ranks below Hoot ne. Wis. It would take 2r,-("in 2r,-("in postal cars. It Is latlmated, to enrre these second clasi ;.iall matter shipment:. ship-ment:. 1 |