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Show The Light Cur. Arc light nre now In use for th , cure of skin diseases, especially of lupus. lu-pus. They have cured, It I said, 811 rase lu 4t!2 In Denmark, and In London Lon-don lb applicants fur trentmeut number 100 a day. Th raya destroy certain bacilli, It la suld, and stimulate circulation aa well us Increase the nutritive nu-tritive activity. It Is even allege that cancer baa been auccesafully treated. The patient bathes In a Hood of 4,000,-candle-power light, lying on a cot in a cabinet, bis eye protected by colored glasses, and aftar this treatment b arise, free from rheumatism, asthma, consumption, ache, and many other things. Such at lout la tha report. Lot us wait In soma patience till w hear the result of official trials and Investigations, and hop that all which baa been aald of the light cur In Denmark, Den-mark, Franca and England will com true In general practice. Urooklyn Eagle. |