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Show I ' COALVILLE CJALYILLX, FRIDAY. a TIMES. Oct., raremcESSci Memeth!ag Vew 190L Fader the 1 JPEJCISJU.Motor Hats and Street Skirts, - n hare tried t sore CAEditor and Bail mm Uuifw. TARRH hy the see ef powders, acid gases, Inhalers ead drga La paste form. Their powder dry op the mocooo mombrooee caaatng them to crock opea (Mi l.M. IIM and blood. The powerfal acids need ie of BubwftpMM Tww! the inbaWi hreatlrly solan away the same membranes that tholr maker festsev,.... aimed to earn, while ptae and w hare (X KwIM ... cannot reecb tbo diaeoao ointaenU nM iwUu eod An experienced practitioner ml tafls Caplet.... ... rs. who baa for many yooro made a cloao AdVMtMnf Rom. tody and specialty of the treatment of -lMd.MlrM.WMB pM Ub Lm In lMC- CATARRH, baa at lut perfected a sack tab umbUhmtTreatment which wbea faithfully need, mm ui ka smelly tdbavad ta not only reUerae st once, hot per core CATARRH, by moot About fifty eoldiars r killed mm in manenlly tbo caem, rteppiag the discharges, log the rtiillppioM last week. A and affair, eod eoriag ell Inflammation. - It in tbo indeed, but they died in the service el only remedy known to science that act a el ear tbanklul nation. ally reach the afflicted parts. Tble wonderful retried r la known a 8NUF-FL- E the GUtt A NTEED CATARRH - President Rooeevett 111 continue on i at the extremly low aad i CCJtE did the late president. the Mime line One of Dollar, each package conprice Be ha aa Ideal te (olio sod the oous-tr- taining internal and external medicine prayer la that he way eaeeeed. - sufficient for a full months treatment ad everything neueseary to lie per fret BARBER'S Flavoring Extracts. AU Doctor C. R. JONES I manufacture andputrup under my own -- Far' eo-- ys -- The editor of tbt paper ctroogly doreee the act loo of Oeaerel Charlee H. Grosvenor la requiring a eertala chare of the proceed from the eele of hi book to be eot eslde fore Mckialey Moaament food. Oar reedert 111 tee aa advertise-Reof tbla book ta another column of thie paper. nt The Yoang Wemaac Journal for le complete with- - fine article, the amt prominent onee being ae folio: Th vieloa of Sir Lnnnfal," "Aa Eny. Heb Lodging II onnt, "Aaat Zina, The Thief aad the Crone," "Philos-epb- y of tb Beeotifol," "A Life Story, "It at a re Btadlee for Yoaog If other, tad many other, vhich make the nnm-he- r a very Interesting one. Oo-teb- M In ebont a month no election 111 be held for the porpoee of electing offleer for the city for the next two year. The 111 meet In member of both part lee the near fotare and nominate men for the rarioo position!. In doing thie it ie te be hoped that the beet men 111 be elected, no that when the people eait their ballots they 111 feel Uke they are electing men who 111 properly handle the affairs of the city. The Improvement Em for October I the lest eomber of VoL 4, end It Is well filled with good reading matter. Following are the title of the prominent arof Utah, ticle "The Governor Latter to tha Queen of England, What Prophecy Asserts, History Con Arms, "What Shall We Readt"The Story of Mormonltm, "Bdenca and Re- - ore. t t HJNUFFLE8'' is tho only perfect CATARRH CUB ever mod nod la now recognised an tbo only safe nod positive cor for that annoying end disgusting disease. Itcuree ell inflnmatioa 1 alro quickly and permanently and FEVHAY roller to woodeafully quick ER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected oftee SHUFloads to COMSUMPTIOf FLES wilt ere yon if yoo oe it at once It le no ordinary remedy, but complete treatment whtch le povitlvely guaranteed to core CATARRH to any form or eteg if need according to tbo direction which oenompony each package. Don tdelay bat send for It at once, and writ fall particulars a to yoor condition, end you will receive pedal a dvio from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to yoo beyond the regular the GUAR AN -price of "SNUFFLES TEEDCATARRH CURE. Bent prepaid to ooy oddreea la the United States or Canada on receipt of Dollar. Address Oo Dept. E614. EDWIN B. GILES A COMPANY, 339 end 2333 Market 8tret, Philadelphia. Book to take orders ! for the Ladies Tsilor Mtda Suite aud Jackets. Hits just received the Fill Vanilla, Cinnamon, j i Orange, Cloves Wintergreen, Lemon, Is M. R. Salmon. it) El:: ialet E!ict, Gr:a, Cgenl far Dr. ims id Eel lilt oDn . Eli I t. . 8 JOSEPH BARBER, Q .O Alwaye-O- n 85 cts. oz bottle, FROM .S0iyf7,i(irirCBliiMI COALTILLE, UTAH. TL, ' KEW at the $2.25 1.50 es; per year. $2,00 THE TIMES, Coalville Utah. r PRESENTS ftr EVERY DAY USE VI JThm lame mat domYflars up eraaoke, or eaSas yoe l image t th. lump that looks rood wlws . - C.I.WIIEADON, Agent, CoalTille, Utah wwhf. Mleuoa of tiiy takeyv T Old Made New. Lamps caa on every lamp eaak Nomattw wkMhw yoe rrpiUred or of lamp transforoW we can do b. Ut ns lampw itoii, aa old on. on i TEE trr I'vEQTEI mubimlat In ftsisltitln LiXF FRCB IL iut ns n imbr it, iw tm. --v FREE TRIAL BOTTLE, TAn.79 IJ30?SLH.Y.CtTY. FREE PATTERN ttncti, OnritTL I.u mLim r.i.c CALL'S M1GAZIIIE' tttu p .Irtiif MODoffitM fmrr nor, Sint. For sale by J. tt. Ball, Coalnlle Ml NTWI (M, Itt Out rib- - t ter. Ste4 tat OmUt.Tmrir IMntasviM. t' VS'S GEORGE U, GILBERT, PlMterintf, Brlcklay ing, (SL aa.ll Kinds of Mmoie Work, 1 t a" . far ladH wUsaa ud tftte cftndvsftT Tbsl saa lots Kyi tel eae afford o iilaiBed by UstM sf amf Wsykiid girtwe KKryauna . . ti lwasftnl 'rscAttfiiiN ( SHIEEBlte T Prloss Jf Reasonable. henefer; v (A RIpinsTsbuIss Doctors find Meaon. Sul mtk UTAII. iim wm iiu stt.i v . - ' A Good Prescription FcrMcr.hl.id. Jp' ) - ..t bnwt. Obr w u4 II Mrb MM mi. la Mrtr rr rr M. to., m br teik It tkte. Xtebiwlr -- 7 Utte Mbotebb Kfte THE MALL COWrARV, VT tumum R CURED BY TA theaaae bj People s ler. Co Cdrllle. ASTHMA-HAYFEVE- f ,Sww Roehostor. 2Jff th. We nre PEti AUST the trwtnwnt el dleseeee dl dw Vniresl, T flow fcj ll IWm iiImmiw MfTNtmltw ,rM UUn,r.pVxl .MIM M iMS WIM. MWM M4 Eastern Points. - ? imru Mwu. mfmterta Rocbeoter. . nlf one. aw .u.i..,u Iks iampoaarwl you is rentdaa, look toe evwy lamp has it. (100 Vartotiw.) pan A Detailed information cheerfully furnished on application. eob Scitntuic Jlcjrtcaa.k landiMNtf IttsitnlM arasst poe-slb- ly Your return- - card printed on roo envelopes for 73 cents ' at TUB TIMES office. v- mu . -- Experiment have been made at Havana to test whether yellow lever is Union Pacfflo Traoc Mauks Dcoran 'MltG,.v CowvmoMToAe. I per year. Send all orders to anS MMUna mmr Airvms NMhif mm mw mvks)eh Ok (MM Oh CmbuM. MiTwitto. W srobabif HunuMx HiMMSeaPiMii SootHmtlrMMMW, MM fm. (AMM mf iuffet for it. carried by mosquitoes. Out of eight persons bitten by Infected inserts three have died, three have the fever and will recover, one s not affected, while as regards the remaining case it it too early VIA to make a diagnoeia. The physiciaoi are shocked at the result of the experi- The ments. It was a opposed that direct i'FOR' ALL infection from mosquitoes caused only a mild form of the disease, 'and was a rafe mean of making the subject Immune THEEE TRUSS CULT Hie now definitely known that a manblt-teTHROUGH CiKS to Ulctgo, by an infected mosquito after being Klase-apol- li SL inoculated with tbe serutO introduced by Rial, City, Iiuu : : : Dr. Celbae, n Eraiillian expert, hat de-- ye ; -- WITHloped a genuine cnee of fever. ScienDlrtct CossectloBi lor til Iut tific American. aad SoutkeuL : . it with the TIMES foe W will furnish $1.50 fbe fiert 5 v'xfyr 1 . per year. i 1 $1.00 per year. The Lamp of Steady Habits b9 BO YEARS EXPERIENCE r. t" Fr National Family Paper fer AMD farmers ead vttlagers, whose TRISUHE. chea pest nrorir. TRIBUNE. rwkdwr have represented tbe very beatalement of oar A new end remarkably attractive pub- country population. lication, profusely illustrated with pot It gives all important newa of the nacontains all tbo traits and half-tonstriking new features of Th Daily Trib- tion nod world, the most reliable market une, Special Mar Despatskea, Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Btiort reporta. Fascinating short stories, an Stories, iinmoos Illustrations, ladue-tri- al unsxoelled Agricultural Deportmoot, iuformstion. Fashion Note. Agricultural matter carefully treated, and Scientific and mschauieal Information, Reliable Financial nnd Market Reports. It ie mailed at same hour aa tbe daily Fashion Articles for tho Womsa, Huedition, reaches o large proportion of Mbecribers on date of issue, and each morous Illustration for old end voung. edition is a thoroughly daily It is The Peoples Paper for tb so family newspaper lor busy people. tiro United States. Regular subscription price, Regular suberription price, PATRONIZE iHOUE INDUSTRY 8. I FORK A DAILY. urrvi y THE ttMI We furnish it with THE TIMES foe Weber Coal Co PUBLISHED OA THUESDA T KEW PMACTICALir $1.50 1 r, rxojrDA I ratdat. TRI-WEEK- E Lump, Stove, MOXDA TCSK m so la them begioing there ere the ahedt of disease which will euroly ond ie fail er and mortal death. Beware of harboring impure thoughts for they ere like the spark in tb koldof ship; it will . work he way right end left natU there Foreordioa-ligion." "Prediitlnalioo, lion. Election end Free Agency, "Keep- la e bod of fire under yoar feet, end deB. Capen. ing the Haro cm on, "Manning of the traction ie et hand.--The number also Wrd of Wladom. Whets Year Face tyorthf i preepeclsa for VoL A. and the Botnet met a brtunn, but never, If you -have a aalltw complexion, 4 jaundiced mgaatne will be greatly Improved. 00k, moth patchee and blotches onthe The people of Rockport, Peoa, Oakley kin, all sign of Liver Trouble. But Dr. KingeNew Life Fills give Clean end Marion who ere Interested in irrigatkia, Rosy Cheeks, Rich complexion, tion, end who oe the water from Weber Only 25c at John Boydun A Sons. river have called a meeting to be held at Peoa oe the 19th, when a board of examiners will he appointed to ascertain the proper oie of the above waters This slfaatare is so every bos ot the tte.lae Prominent men of those places are taktawe Laxative Bromo-Quisis- e ing the step, nnd no doubt a fight will be made against the people oi the other For Salt -- valley 'who propose ta bsethe ester from the Weber. It would be a mighty good thing If the people down this way would call n meeting for tbe same pur poee end ell work together fur protection. If they do not make eay move now they D CcHriUe, Utah. A Hand D oi Pain, The Great Household Remedy. : . 4 oz bottle, 35 cts. jou want a good rehicls huy the When Peppermint, Jamica Ginger, etc. Shun the very beglnlag of evil. Rufat to keep company with those who tell tk questionable atory end who speak elJebtlngly of that which ie - pur Avoid such men as end Innocent. you would the peitllsnc. I?o matter'll they seem good la other respects. At chemist can tall from ene drop of blood that there is poisoe in the veins, at e chip will left you tli current of e steam, of name-extract ATDnnsSTG:3,Yr- st m ns a. Tl - |