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Show CI01SOSI IIKE1 Lint t SMS.U0 WHIN fill SOS DOORS CL05S SIHIN0 HIM Aeeaaeta I'tlerly lolleDeM aaS Had le He Carried Into rrlMie-fhralelan. l.'talR, He le Nhan.i,.li.e. Ciolgoas. President MoKinley's murderer, mur-derer, completely collapsed when he entered Ihe Auljarn state prison. F.llher for the fear of the crowd of too which eat up nearly all night to get a glimpse of him, or from the sight of the prison, Czogo.r.'e lege gsve out and Iwodepuly atierllT. were compelled to prectloiilly carry the man Into prison. Inside the gates his condition became be-came worae and he was dragged up stairs and Into the main hall. He waa placed In a aiillng poature oo tha bench while Die handcuffs were being removed, bul he fell over and moaned and groaned, evlnclug the most abjeot terror. As soon as the handcuffs were unlocked un-locked the man was dragged Into tha principal keeper'e ofllce. Ae la tha cass of all prisoners, ths ofllcers Immediately Imme-diately proceeded to atrip him and pnt on a new suit of clothes. Durlug this operation Csolgoas cried and yelled, making the prison corridors echo with evidence of his terror. The prlaon phy.li-lan, Dr, John Ohe-rin, Ohe-rin, csamlned the man and ordered hla . removal to the cell in the condemned row, which he will occupy until be la taken to the electrical chair. The doctor doc-tor deolered that the man was suffering suffer-ing from fright and terror, but said that he was shamming lo some ealent, The ool lapse of the murderer waa a aurprlse to every one. F.n roots from Duff.lo be ehowed no Indication of breaking down. He etc heartily of eandwiohee and amoked cigars wbsnv i aot eating. 114 talked aome and eg- pressed regret for his crime. He aaldt "I am eepeclally sorry for Mrs. McKlnley." |