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Show 'etmniiT 1 rl a 11 miart.o , m,y - rf--i h Tllli 'uMf COUNER. I . QUEER AND CURIOUS THINGS AND EVINlS. I A .)., Ita, Wl... Il ia T.eoty-K.M.r ! rintera and ' Te4 - lln U :iuployed a aervonl of tbe (faninla da llnlloeourl. A I.ITTI t: Mtt.ll lAN. Once tin ro wore iluys wbtn all went V.H111K. There were plaintive notes In tho thniKh'a eong; ThotiKli the aim poureil down In a Kohli'n liluzo Thcie wis In.k of taarmlh In Its hrlKhti t ruya; The roue would droop her atntoly head Aa though ahamo.l of Ita lnllllunt red, And the hri-cio woulil toll with a mournful s!rh Of tho t, ma It luiil soon aa It flnnted by. Hut now though the sky bo drear and gray It can ne'er be aTitrUt but a gla.bioine -lay. Though the sun may be hi Men. Its rnillanre rnre It safely Imprisoned In hsliy' hair; And bliawouis nod to th brecx In glee A It telu of on to fair to see! And theie't never a noto In the thrush's staff Like tho rippling tones of her merry laugh. Ah, little babe, you never can see How much your coming haa been to met Dili Wolrott man nA at riNtiKK and Tor. Men with one extra linger or to may sometime b teen, but very rarely doea on hear or aee a person with twenty-four fingers and toe. Consequently, Conse-quently, a servant ot th Marquis de liallnrourt who la thna equipped I at present exciting much Interest among European scientists. He la a young man, and on each hand he haa six well developed Angela, while on each foot h baa an equal number of well developed de-veloped toes. It la not known whether he Inherited thla a'omuly, but th assumption as-sumption la that he did. Ilia supernumerary super-numerary members are of no special use to him, but he Is never allowed to forget that he posaeasea them, aa his comrudos, for an obvious reason, have nicknamed him "Twenty-four.". Dr. Capltsq, a well-known ethnologist, writing on tills subject, jays: "Thorn ar two' forma of thlt lingular phenomenon, phe-nomenon, the true and hybrid. In the true form, aa aeen In tho case ot the Marquis' servant, the supernumerary finger and toes are complete. addlUon-al addlUon-al mem hers, the flngera being usually placed beside the thumbs and the toes besides the grant toes. In the hybrid form, on tbe other hnnd, the additional fingers and toes are merely a result of a division which haa taken place In the regular member. Th thumb Is th part usually affected, and It may be divided at th first Joint, though the division generally starts at the bane. All the other finger may be divided In a aimllar manner; Indeed, aa many aa fifteen fingers have been found on on hand. Atavism Is evidently the cause, but one would have to travel very far back in order to discover the origin of such Supers and toes." - ftUK'lDB or A rHKMKCHTKUhUt'lHRKI. Violent death ranie to one of the little ward of the state in High street on Sunday afternoon, and opinion la divided whether It was not Intentional, says the Ohio fltate Journal. The deceased de-ceased waa on ot th fox squirrels that Deputy (lame Warden Oraham eonfleraurd at tbe Mount Vernon avenue ave-nue street fair and turned loose In th State House yard. Th new arrival ar-rival were not looked upon with favor by th gray squirrels, and there were several pitched battle between them on Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon after-noon on of the fox squirrels became separated from his follows, and wandered wan-dered over on the west front of the lawn. There waa a scurry of rray tails, and In a few seconds an aggressive attack at-tack on the red Intruder, lie defended himself for a few minutes, but the odds were to great, and be nulled for the fence, dodged through the bare and fled across High street. In front of th State House he stopped on the treat car track. The gray fellows wore aftor blm and he seemed to give up all at once. A car was coming and the little fellow lay down on the rails and In a second his life waa crushed out beneath the wheels. Whether ha wan too badly frightened to get out of the way of the car, or whethor tie took thlt method ot ending hit trouhlea, of course, can not be known. Tbe gray squirrels scattered back to the State House yard and the body of the little fox squirrel was left on the atroet car track where It remained all the afternoon. after-noon. vni.UNTKKH THAC'K WAI.KINO. "Did you evor hear of th 8. P.'a track walker between Doming and Yuma?" asked an 8. P. conductor. "Ho U a queer chaructor," continued the conductor, when he had rocelved a negative reply, "and passengers often ask wbo he la, because of the frequency fre-quency of. hit being teen on the road and bit strange appearance. I have aeen blm many time at different polnta on the road and have heard that be It a locoed Individual V.I10 thinks that he Is employed aa a Sort of Inspector' In-spector' of way or track walkor by the Southern Pacific Company, and that he has to walk continually over the road from Denilng to Yuma and hack. a ad he soni'itlnirs geta .ui fnr'Vpifn'1 na El f il l, lint I had never lit. I an opportunity to fpaU to hjm ;.!) a, f-w tin vs ni;o. I tlo'i t'i' li'in Severn! Sev-ern! n'lieiniin m 10 rd Ina his pnt life and his iimic.ni.ity Job. He Is a tall, slim inalt, and c,ii his h.ur. whlih Is elpakid ilh gray., 'long ami bin fare Is never Imu Hut be is a harm-lis harm-lis old fellow and ev. ivl.o lt huinnra him; In fuit th" people along the route which he bns I n trawling rontlmiul- ly alniK IM..' (ird him and glvo him cast-off clothing. Ho told 11111 H al hie name waajumea (' lirumgold and that lie was Ml years old He sold he rnme down'lrtim California to a -ept his preient Job flora tho Southern Tactile, and that he had a brother living In that state. He anld be nlho hail two eistera llvlug III New York. Ho sit-ins to be well edtiintod null writes nn excellent ex-cellent hand. Ilia Imu, y does not manifest Itself In his conversation, but his nppeiirnnee hetravs It, and the fact Hint he travels afoot over that long, dry stretch of railroad truck through the aitmnier anil whiter and bns been doing so for nluctocn years previa that ho' la menially uuhalnnced. Trainmen h..vo naked him to ride, but he says he could not attend to his duties If he rode. I believe ths't' If be should find something wrong with the truck he would Msg any train that might be approaching ap-proaching the dangerous spot, and thus prevent a wreck, but If such a case has ever, happened I have never heard of It The railroad men all know him, and be Is known by several different nicknames but very few people know hit right name. Link and Pin. ntsiiivrnt or -kxtbaokditat I'l.AMT. . We all know that certain plant absorb ab-sorb and II v on Insect,, but It ha only recently been .discovered that there are some curlousspeclesof plsnta that actually devour animal food when given 16 them In small moresla. The leavea ot these queer plant appear In doublets, like oyster valves. Thlt double leaf la olosed up from Ita baa to within about'three-quarter ot it entire length. In tbe front part It 1 detached, the two pointed top forming, form-ing, aa It were, a pair of lips, or a mouth, which th plant can opn at will. Inside thla mouth la a kind ot a passage or Uirout which extends toward to-ward the body of . the plants. . Thla passage has a number ot hairy bit about it, which ar very iuiiy, and at the end of earh bit ther la a atlcty suhstunce. . When the plant opens Its mouth it la evident that thv trap I then ant, for upon any Insect entering It tho lips close upon It at once, forcing forc-ing It to the gummy substance of the throat. This substance baa properties proper-ties almliar to' those contained la the gastric Juices ot the human stomach, which' help to decompose and digest the food. When so digested the food resolves Itself Into a liquid wbUh-ka carried all over the plant to nourish and revive It, The moat marvelous thing about thla newly . discovered species I that it can digest such food as small morsels of beef, fish and egg gelatine, some of'whlcn, dropped Into the' open leaf, were retained and apparently ap-parently digested. At the aame tima anything of a atarehy or fatty substance sub-stance the leaf or plant Is not ahls to retain. It doe not therefore, close Its lips upon IU and It allowed to remilr In the mouth the plant will decayt- onr-aiukctivb woar.K. ' "Have you ever noticed how llmiud la the vocabulary ot the average won un?" remarked tho newspaper womlu to tbe school teacher. "Just listen tc the conversation of any grcup ot women, wom-en, and you will be surprised to floi how many of them can be classed on dor the head ot 'ona-adjectlve woav on.' To one girl I know everything U 'eutelj to others weet. 'awful,' 'dreadful' 'dread-ful' or 'lovely' expresses about very-thing very-thing they car to ay.- I beard a woman wom-an yestordny pronounce- the tomato soup, at dinner, 'Just grand'; almost In the aame breath ahe said th sailing sail-ing waa 'grand,' and during th courts of the succeeding conversation ahe la-formed la-formed us that oue daughter, at Capt May, was having a 'grand' time; a deal friend had been very III, but was recovering, re-covering, thanks to th 'grand' dor-tor dor-tor ahe had, and when we went oul on th piaxxa, and began talking aboul music, and tome one aaked, 'Who U your favorite corn porter T' ahe replied enthusiastically, 'Hotisal I think be Is perfectly "grand"!' No worda In Us Kngllah language are abused like these. They mean much when used properly, but become meanln;'ss when turned away from tliolr correct algnlllrnuce. Vt hen I begun to write I made a Hat of these overworked adjectives, ad-jectives, which I had pinned up on my tlenk. What are they? Great, awful, cufe, lovely, dreadful, flno, tweet, perfect, per-fect, nice, glorious, charming, horrid, terrible. Thene are not ' all, by toy means, but they make a representative Hat." "You have given mo a fin I menn a useful Idea," said the teacher. "When I go black to school I shall make a list of overworked adjectives and have every girl copy It In her blankbood." Chicago New. Ilk aiilanlng Spiders. Iu niiodeala there have been discovered discov-ered spldors which are silk spinners and, like Dr. Johnson's Scotchman, when caught young may be roads something of. These little creatures are now to he made spin silk In nistch-boxes nistch-boxes and the Bilk will be carried to manufacturing centers, where It H be fitxhloned into ladles' dresses and gentlemen's ties and umbrellas. |