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Show LEGAL NOTICES AN ORDINANCE An Ordinmce amending an ordinance as amended May 5 1919. entitled "An r dlrmn. niiM-ndlntr lion 7 of Chai.b r 13 as amended January 14. 1918; Section 959 of Chapter if. as amended Jnnuarv 86, 191fi Bectlon 1079 of Chapter 52: and Section 1117 of Chupter 64. all of th. Revised Orellnanreg of Ofrden City. Utah, for 191.1. flxlncr the salaries of the City Attorneys City Fnsrlneer, City Street Supervisor Riid City Sexton." j Be It ordained by the Board of Commls sinners of Ogden Cltv Utah: Section 1. That Section 73 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of Opden City. I'tah. 1915, os amended January 8, 1 1916. ns amended January 14, 1918 . as' amended May 5. 1919. be nnd Is herebj amended to read as follows . Section 73 The salary of the City At torney Is herd, fi.-i at Twenty-four Hundred ($2400. 00) Dollar per annum, nnd , that of th.- Assistant City Attorney at Fifteen Hundred (81600.00) Dollars per an. lujin So. Ii .-..'..i.t-.s vl.l he pHld monthly. BS are the salaries of other city officials Section 2. In th opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, It is nec I essary to the peaco and safety of Ogden j t'lty that this ordlnnnce become effective immediately Section 3 This ordlnnnce Is to take ,f fect after It3 pasbjige and upon Its first i publication Adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, July 30 1920. J. R. WARD. Temporary Chairman Board of Commissioners. C. T. MOTES, City Recorder Bv HELEN KBERLE. Deputy. State of Utah. County of Weber ss I, C. T Moves, oltj reeoiib-r Of Ocvlen ,Clty. Utah, hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true nnel correct copy of an ordinance entitled. ' An Ordl nance amending an ordinance as amended May 5. 1919. entitled, 'An Ordinance nmendlnc: Bectlon 73 of Chapter 13 as I amended January 14, 1018: Section 959 of Chapter 46 as amended January 2fi. 1916: Section 1070 of Chapter 52 and Section 11117 of Chapter 54. all of the Revised Ordl nances of Ogden City. 1 tab. for 1915. fix lint: the salaries of the c'lty Attorneys, icitv Engineer. City Street supervisor and City Sexton ' adopted and passed by the p.oarei of Commissioners of said Ogdon City on the aiiih day of July. 1920. as ap poors of record in my office In witness whereof, I havei hereunto BOt mv hand and affix, d the i orporate seal of Ogd.n City this :ist day of July. 1920. C T MOVES. (SEAL) Cltjr Recorder By II F.I. EN EBKRLE. Deputy. Publishj d July -'.i i''2" |