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Show f BOLSHEVIK ARMY ADVANCES TO 1 PRUSSIAN HUE Mjr Polish Morale Braced By Ar ' rival of Mission From Entente Nations. RFT' j PARIS. July 31 Bolshevik oavajry 9:M forces have advanced to the east k JM Prussian frontier, according 10 a re-port re-port from the French military mls- 6l0n n an on t Lh( Fr fich foreign if office The BolshelU line extends A fmm Suwalkl, 50 miles northwr si o Grodno, more than 60 miles to a point almost directly north ol Warsaw, fm The Bolshfvil-i h--.. n.i aclu.ill crossed the borders of Allensteln ana uB Manenwerder. but aie fraternizing. bKsS with the Germans. j MHH The mission sas it understands the tBI Germans and Bolshevik! ate negot- "VM iatlng at Suwalkl The northern wing i)SH .v... Rnlhvlk arm. is now menac- JflUB lng Warsasv directly iroiu the north .os M Weil as from the east The Bolshe-vjki Bolshe-vjki now are 2o miles southwest of i'TtH Bialystok. . -W TROOPS PRESENT. The allied troops in All isteln and uwH Marlenwerder, which are mostly jaB French, will be held there until the gfllM situation clears, although their plebis- XzSH cite duties have been completed. jEJrHfH General Romer, commander or the fiosfl First Polish army. wnieh sutfered K&fl most severely in the tai region ij!B northeast of Warsaw, has been re- i M liev'ed and General Jut' i n Hall., r has !.(TH been given supreni imahd ofthe northern group ot armies. The advance men I of General Haller, 'tH who commanued the Polish divisions '"'LH in Prance and 13 French truined. Is ifl 'lie first step In ')m re-organiisadon -. JHt ;),, i , ..mm', which was begun rm i y the AJOglo-l'i ench noss.oii ycsier- DPI i Q ATI - LEAVE. S On the Oalician trdht a Polish ! couhler-offeni vt is being organized. EfifH Three Polish utmistice ueiegaics H left War, i.. ye&te.Uuy. Tlitfj H General . ., - fl VhO negoc.a eu SucCSdScQily Vtlh the jaflHs Puishewki at Murmansk, and -u. 25ttj5J Wroblewskl, vice minister of the I HgijlSa council. The Kusslan soi I government has1 SSilrSj resumed the Dorpai conference over: i0.-&rjm several disputed ulstrictS Which was ifejtSS broken olf recently. Ss31 ne ,ni&i'on reports the morale of! 'fJS tho polish army ititfened remarkably ; ;iat&M during the last week because of the' . i m mission's arrival. m ws ol munitions en route and the fact ol allied sup-9 sup-9 port. The Bolshevik statement that' the Bolnhevik cavaliy now only ef- fectlve, is regarded here aj slgnlf 1-! cant. Th capturi .; the Bolsh vikl i -VaQS terday of Graeivo. 37 miles souih- ljM west of suwalkl, is also reported b, |