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Show J TRIS SPEAKER STILLOH TOP Ruth Continues to Be Sensation Sensa-tion of League in Home-Run Home-Run Hitting. , CHICAGO. July II Barging a hit a day U keeplnc Trls Sr.c.iKer. manager man-ager of the Cleveland Americans, on top of the heap In the race for the American league hatting championship champion-ship Speaker, according to averages released re-leased today, wtdcred the gap be-tween be-tween himself and George Water, St. I Louie atar. Speaker la batting 411. while Staler in second place fell off t' 39a. Joe Jackson of Chicago is trailing trail-ing In third place with .396, while "Babe" Kuth of New Vork la fourth With .13. Ths averages Include I Wednesday's gamea. In hla laat wrtn gamca Speaker' crashed out eight hits, whllo the boat Staler could ilo wua four In five , gamea. Speaker cx..llj Slater In ex-' tra baa hitting, having aeven homers, hom-ers, seven triples and 3 1 base hits to his credit. In home-run hitting Kuth con- tlnues to be the sensation of the league with a total of 36 up to Sat-, urday. Itlce of W ashington continues to show the way to the base stealers with a total of 40 Malar la next In' the. Hat with 2. while Moub Hoth. also of Wnahlngton. in third with 1 other leading- b<ari KlOC, Washington. Wash-ington. .361. K. Collins. Chi. igo, 3,1. Muael. New Yorn. J 4 7 . Jamleaoo.i Cleveland. .843, U.i..r. Chicago. I .142. Hendry. Boston. .333. Milan.' Washington, .333; Judge. Va.hln:- Iton, .331. BORX8B1 LJ U8. In the National I. igue, Hoger Hornaby. of St. Loui. la safely in the lead with an average of S3. although al-though Layers of Huston haa at, aer-V aer-V age Of .870 for 44 g.irm - Hornsliv however, has participated In 91 gaim Jack Smith, Hornaby n team mate, la second In the list with an average ox .329 and Nicholson of Pittsburg tourth with 327. Mux Ouray of Pittsburg, Is so far out In front In ha1 -stealing with a total of 33 that he la In' no danger of being overtaken, Cy Williams of Philadelphia, with a total' of nine homers, continues to lead in I circuit base bluing. 'ther leading butters J;.n.h rin-clnnati, rin-clnnati, ,82t. Konet by, Brooklyn, 323. Williams. rhiludelphi.1. .319' Ifollocher. Chicago, .jis, ijruh, liii-clnnatl, liii-clnnatl, .11", Myers. Brooklyn, .3 It -I Young. New Vork. 313. l ink. Cm-cago. Cm-cago. .811. Ten polnta separate Hopart of Jop-lin Jop-lin and Varyan of Wichita In the for the turning honors of the West-1 ern league. Began leading with an averngo of 37o, but he has only! played In SO games aa romparcd w'tn 96 of Yaryan ami Bogart. Leaving bj k "'"""'J away irom Heck of Wichita In the 6 ramble for home run houois, having a atrlng of is Hpck runner uj, with is. Le 0f, "maha continues i , h. w ., the baae atealers 21 Othei bbH 'Jf?'" bllr- Varyan. Within 362. Sheatnk. Jopl.n. ju 'I limes j Tulaa. .332. He, k. Wichita. 3 J 'i Da- LaK l atr Sioux City. 32v. L.-llvoll. umx ha. 32; Platte. Omaha. 3:i Hrnn-r.on. Hrnn-r.on. Tulsa. ;g Orover Hartley of Columbus, con-tlnues con-tlnues to blaze the trail for the bat ters of the American aasoclatlon. top-ping top-ping the. Hat with an average of .872 ! wtth Hen Tli.cup of LottlaVlIU In aao-l ond place with 364. . Kapp of St. 1'aul took the lead in' baa stealing awuy fium Lao Hres-sen. Hres-sen. his turn mate, hanging op total of 32 thefta Dress t n baa atolen 1 21 bases. Brief of Kanaaa i ity an 1 Hargrav, of St. Paul, remain tied for : the honors la home run hlitlnjs I having 18. other leading b.utere "hkland. Toledo. .361, liutler, it'l-wuukee. it'l-wuukee. 34S. Ijood. Kansas Clt f I ' Kapp. St I'aul. .338. Miller. Kanaaa City. 834. Rondeau. Minneapolis 332. Harrravi . St Paul. .326. Dubuc I Toledo, .322. I |