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Show J IRELAND, AMERICA AND ENGLAND. How intense is the feeling in the British empire over the Irish question is disclosed by the controversy now on over the utterances of Archbishop Manmx of Australia, who recently expressed sympa-thy sympa-thy for the aspirations of the Sinn Feiners and refused to stand when the British national anthem was being played. The archbishop has been rebuked by Premier Hughes of Aus-tralia Aus-tralia and Lloyd irrge who has announced that th Catholic prelate will not be allowed to land "ti Knglish soil In a Speech at Bendigo. Australia. Premier Hughes said: "Today the British empire is surrounded by enemies. It is being etteekcd pj Bolehevisxn, Sinn Psiniani and Ocr-man Ocr-man ism The British empire is a league of nations bound M together by ties of blood and race If you break Great Prit- ain yon break Australia. "When we Kfc in our midst, therefore, men who would break up the empire and plunge a dagger int it . very heart, what are yon to think of such men except that they are traitors I I care not what yon think of Kngland as Kngland, hut I am concerned about whst effect that will have on Australia. It means death for us. and because of that I shall smite them hip and thigh. "When Archbishop Mannix said that the sentiments he uttered were supported by the bulk of the people of Aus-tralia. Aus-tralia. he said that which van mt true "He has only ouc objective, and that is the destruction of the empire, or at any rate, the founding of a republic of Ireland. I am not going to say that Ireland has no gr snce, but I am irrevocably opposed to a n public ol Ire-land, Ire-land, snd will fight it tooth and nail by every means in nr. power, because it means the dismemberment of the empire, and the dismemberment of the empire means the destruc-tion destruc-tion of Australia. "Mr Mannix says that his one hope is that Kngland and America will be enemies ami that Ireland will fight Kngland. and that America will fight England. "If that hope is realised we will bjsj a war the hke of which the world hss never seen It is all nonsense to talk of Kngland and jSSII SSI fighting The two grest Anglo-Saxon countries would be attempting to destroy civilization, if they clutched at each other' throat, and they would bs paring the way for that mastery by overlords which was feared aa a possibility with an unfavorable ending of th ' great world war Ireland haa its grievance, but Ireland's failure to get Hom-Role Hom-Role ie not to be placed as an obligation of responsibility resting ;;3H upon America. |