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Show BEDTIME STORIES BY HOWARD R. GARIS 1 UNCLE WIGG1I7K .M THE ELECTRIC BELL. Copyright. 1920. by McCluro Newspaper News-paper Syndicate. BY HOWARD R. C. RIS. "Well, well' 1 didn't s'pojc anybody was at home!" exclaimed Mrs. Elat Tall, the beaver lady, us she came around to the bac k door of Uncle Wlg-gily's Wlg-gily's hollow stump bungalow one morning, and saw Nurse June Euzzy Wuzzy on the fctoop, peeling lemons to make n strawberry' shortcake "Nobody home? Whnt do you mean" nsked Uncle Wlggily's muskrat lady housekeeper. "Why. 1 rang and rang at the front door bell, but 1 couldn't make it Jingle, and then I knocked but I guess you didn't hear me, so I walked around back," said Mrs, Flat Tall. "I'm glad you did," spoke Nurse 1 Jane. "That old-fashioned Jingling j door bell Is always getting out of or-i dcr. I've told Wlgglly a dozen times or more that he ought to put up a new, stylish electric bell." "Well, hero he comes now," said the beaver lady, as tho old rabbit gentleman gentle-man himself hopped around the sldo path on his red, white and blue striped, crutch. "Vou can tell him again" Tell me what again? How are you, Mrs. Flat Tall?" asked the bunny. "Oh, It's that old-fashioned door bell of ours," said Nurse Jane. "Mrs. Plat Tall pulled it and It didn t ring, and I didn't hear her knocking, and she had to come around back. Why don't you put up a new electric bell, Uncle W lg-glly?" lg-glly?" "I will. ' said the bunny rabbit. "I'll go to the store now and get an electee elec-tee bell." And he did The rat gentleman In the twenty-two and three cent store j sold Uncle Wlgglly an electric, bell, and showed the bunny how to fLx It on the door. "You run some wires from these electric batteries to the bell, and then I to the push button which you fasten I on tho door," explained the rat gentleman. gentle-man. "Then when anybody culls at; your bungalow they Just push tho but-1 Ion. th ends of the wires are pressed together und the electricity makes the1 bell ring." . ' line!" cried Undo Wlgglly. "With' an electric bell we'll be stylish enough; foi Nurse June. I hope." With tho help of Grandpa Goosey Gander Uncle Wlgglly put up tho electric elec-tric tinkler. Instead of tho old-fashioned bell pull there was only a little white button at tho sldo of tho bungalow bun-galow front door. "Vou go out and push it. Nurse Jane," Invited Mr. l.ongears. when he and Grandpa Goosey had finished putting put-ting the bell In place. "I'll make be-iievo be-iievo you are company, and I II answer the door," So Nurse Jane pushed ths button. "Tlng-a-IIng' Buzz-z-zzz' Burr-r-r!" rang the electric boll. "Oh. It's too cuto for anything!" laughed Nurse Jane, when Uncle Wlgglly Wlg-glly enmo to tho door, making believe she was company. "Let me ring It again!" So she did, and then along came Sammle and Susie Llttletkid, the rabbit rab-bit children, and then came Johnnie ind Blllle Bushytail, the squirrels, and they had to try the new electric bell And then, of course, Uncle Wlgglly himself had to give the button a push and ring the bell "Yes. it is right stylish and proper." said the bunny, twinkling his pink nose. And from then on he had much more company than usual, for all his friends wanted to try the new bell. Now the Plpsisewah. hiding out in the woods, saw lots of animal folk going go-ing up to Uncle Wlggily's front door. "He must be having a party," said the lip. No, its only a new front electric bell," said the Skeezlsks. When you want L nclo Wlgglly to come to the door, now, all you have to do Is to push a white button that rings a bell." ' Is that 90?" cried the Plpsisewah. "Then I'm going to try it! In that way maybe we can get some souse. I'll go up and push the button. Uncle Wlgglly Wlg-glly will think Iin a friend of his. he'll come to tho door and I II nibble a lot Of his souse before ho can stop me " "Yes. let's try it," said tho Skee. So. when It was dark tho two bad chaps sneaked up to try to catch the bunny gentleman. Now. It happened. Just before this, that Uncle Wlgglly hud taken the push button off tho front of his bungalow "Im not going to leave It outside all night. Somo one might take It," said the bunny. So he unscrewed the button, but-ton, leaving the electric who sticking out And when the Pip sneaked up to play a trick on Uncle Wlgglly only tho wires were there the button was gone. "I. don't notice anything white to push, but I'll shove these wires to-i. to-i. ether." said tho Pip. who could see in tho dark. He put his paw on the wires, and gave them a hard pusb. but the sharp points ran In his paw and gave htm such a pain and Jiggle that tho Pip cried. ' h. I've got an electric shock' The electric bell gave mo a shock like lightning! This Is another of that rub-bit's rub-bit's tricks. Come on, Mr. Skee, before be-fore you get shocked, too!" And away tho bud chups ran, very much afraid of tho bunny's electric bell, and they didn't get any souso at all. And In the morning Mr. Longcars put back the. electric bell button. But If the tack doesn't turn upside down and try to stund on its head to tickle the hammer, ham-mer, I'll tell you next about Uncle Wlgglly and the cookies. |