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Show iCLTMEINO MOUNT OGDEN Rotarians of the state are gathering in Provo today preparatory prepar-atory to making an ascent of Mt. TimpanOgtl by moonlight Included in the group of clubmen ar-' many gilenites who will make their first climb of this picturesque mountain. 1'ndoubtedly their a,eent will fill them with enthusiasm for mountaineering and they will have a new impression of the wonderful scene which spreads out below one when standing upon a noble 1'tah mountain peak. While this euthusiasm in at its height it would be a fine thing if the RotarianB of Ogden sponsored an exeursion to the top of Mount Ogden, the magnificent peak which stands sentinel to the cast of us. Timpanogas is famous for the scenery encountered upon the way to the top and the view from the peak is entrancing, but those who have climbed both mountains declare that rhe sight which one beholds after sealing Mount Ogden is far inperior. Isn't is about time Mount Ogden was more frequently visited by Ogden citirens that its fame could be spread broadcast by those who actually have experienced the joys coming to those who have reached the eminence? |