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Show OLD MEXICAN-ARIZONA MISSIONS ARE RESTORED NOGALES, Ariz.. Aug. Si. Active work has 6tarted of an international line of old mlsflons extending from tho slate of Sonora, across the boundary boun-dary in Mexico, up throogh the Santa Cruz valley of Arizona Tuniacacorl Mission, which it is believed was lounded in 1680. is the flint to be restored. The Nogales Chamber of Commerce and the fed r-ral povorrment already hac donated fhnds for the work Mexican missions, across the border, bord-er, antedate the Tumacacori mission, according (o records here The SpanlBh padres of years ago, according accord-ing to Bryon S. Cummlngs. dean of the University of Arizona, fvero In Mexico before they entered Arizona. I The government of Sonora, it is re-i re-i pOrtsx has named men to carry on the work of restoration in Mexico. |