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Show Start Excavating for N. Washington Paving Excavating for paving on the cast sldo of Washington avenue north of the Ogden Hlver bridge wa& started today by the Mor.m Paving company. The Moran steam shovel will operate oper-ate north from the bridge to the rliy limit s. the paving to be constructed1 on tho east side of the street between be-tween the two points , More than LQQ men have been en-! en-! gaged by the Moran COmpam to rush tne work to completion. The steam shoel being operuted by the Wlioel-' Wlioel-' wrlght Construction company In the excavating for the new Ifaoks f"' the I tali Rapid Transit railroad has , Started south, the entire strip of word from the bridge to Fne Points on i the ea-st side of the street having been completed last week Work on the track Is being rushed, two shifts being be-ing used In an effort to eonipl.a,. i),, I work without delay |