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Show S. L GIRL MAKES LONG SWIM IN LAKE j SALT LAKE, Aug. 23 Miss Pearl Kimball, ik reai ojd daughter of D. I arlos Kimball M32 South Eleventh street, swam from Antelope island to I SaHalr yesterday, a distance of six and I three quarter miles It Is claimed that, Miss Kimball Is the first woman to make ihe BWlm She started at 11:10 o'clock yester- iday morning and completed the distance dis-tance in 3 hours, 49 minutes and 3" seconds Miss Kimball Is a member of the Salt Lake Swimming club. Her trainer, C. S. Leaf, followed in a small boat, and her brother, Paul Kim- I ball, swam with her for at least half the .lisinnce Miss Kimball holds the Lati ami intermountaln championship tor women and competed with Helen: MOSC . a contestant in the Olympic gomes, when Miss Moses passed through here several weeks ago. oo |