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Show I These Summer Lines I MUST GO CLARK S POSITIVELY WILL NOT CARRY OVER SEASONAL FOOTWEAR FROM ONE SEASON TO THE NEXT. jj New stocks, latest styles and models for every season U I Clark's unalterable policy. j Consequently, all summer footwear is being moved now re- !l gardless of sacrifice involved. Here are opportunities to fit out every member of the family fam-ily with pumps, oxfords and shoes for the remainder of the summer, and early fall almost on the basis of two pairs for the price of one. I Gentlemen's Ladies' Pumps I Oxfords and Oxfords In Palm Beach and Whlto A wonderful opportunity to ! Canvas. A really excellent buy a 6tylish pump or oxford. J line of oxfords, complete as Seasonable for several weeks to styles and sizes. Our best yet. Values up to J0 OP line of $5 and $6 OT $7 50, for JJ.OJ values for . . j)j.OJ Poplin Pumps with French Oxfords regularly priced at heels. In values running to $3.50 to be closed d0 TO $4.00, special now J i qq out for tf.UO at Jl.i0 OTHER SUMMER LINES SIMILARLY PRICED J'izJuer II REPAIRING THAT S It's too Inte to wish that M jt Take 'em to Clark's. w W iKlK.hf p?K; For Good Sho&6. will be reasonable. NOTICE! WHEAT STORED We are prepared to store your wheat to be drawn out in flour and other mill products. Wc have i In stock wheat for chickens. All grades of flour, germade, bran and shorts. We are also prepared to chop .i and steam-roll your teed;. WEST OGDEN MILLING & ELEVA TOR CO. j West 24th St. Phone 3G2-J J ' , i. . - Call and See Me for Your PBINTING i Lov;est Prices Consistent With ! Quality Work I CHAS. DEE ji 2428 Hudson Phone 792 M ii. ji'. i ii ur"- ORPI D. W. Griffith presents "THE IDOL DAImCER" i EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Appearing in person with the picture pic-ture tho famous Hula dancer, Prin-I Prin-I cees ManuloWfl and her native Ha-walians Ha-walians In songs and dances with Marvelous Benny, the world's great est steel guitar player. Note Positively no cne seated during the dance scenes. "The Idol Dancer" begins at 7 and 9 p. m. Matinee dally. ADMISSION Adults, lower floor 35c I Adults, balccny 30c Children 15c Looking for Parlor, Bed- j room and Bath? Most people are. No wonder. It's the i funniest play Broadway has I seen in many a day. Now at 'Utah. , ! Smile the While I 1 (By Gus Wright) 1 Mr and Mrs. Harry Murrison and Mr. H H W. Arbury, of the Community Service, have I been getting us together of a morning for a song. We have gathered at the main stairway. Mrs. Murrison played for us and Mr. Arbury led us. You just simply can t help singing. There was the dignified president of the I company and other executives; there were the t delivery boys, the managers of departments i and the janitors there was even our good old tailor, who says he cannot sing but I caught him making a dandy try at it. j c c We all sang together and enjoyed it. A number of customers came in and joined us There were a number of children's snappy voices in the chorus. And when the fifteen minutes were gone we left the piano reksc- -tantly, our hearts still happy with song. - Have you noticed that when wc sing to gether, there's a feeling of oneness. The mingling together of our voices seems to bring us all to a fellowship, which, after, all, is the greatest thing in life I This morning song starts the day off with a X smile, and puts everyone in that pleasant J frame of mind which assures a pleasant j M greeting to every visitor. i cm n orrrrr n BSBJBJ n tttt -t t " ttt 1 1 -Tr-II -"tit-l nut tl w "W- psjp n Enid Bennett in "Partners1 Three," a dandy western, a Mack Sennett comedy and Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack" the Lyceum today only. |