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Show HEAVY SELLING ON WALL STREET Rails Advance After Irregular Opening and Form Feature at Midsession N'KW YORK, Aug. 23. The trend Of the stock market was irregular at th outset of today's trading, further favorable advices from abroad being balanced by last Saturday's clearing nouso statement, which showed a larne Iom of actual reserves Initial reaction? reac-tion? extending from fractions to 1 4 points were made by Canadian Paclfli , Reploglc, Plerce-Arrbn Invincible Oil, Texas I ompany, Anaconda Marine preferred and National Aniline On the constructive side advances of equal or greater extent were re-corded re-corded i i!o.ii injtch sbeii Transport Trans-port Mexican Petroleum, Vanadium Ilcadlng. with Isconsin t'entral the strongest feature of the Junior rails. The market became reactionary 1 on after the opening as a result of fresh offerings of steels, equipments, . motors, .shippings and specialties 'comprising the leather, tobacco and paper groups Features of the reaction reac-tion which ran from 1 to almost 4 .points Included Crucible, Lackawanna, Republic and United Btates Steels, I Baldwin Locomotive, American Can and Pressed Steel Car, Mexican and Pan-American Petroleum, Houston Oil, antral Leather. Retail Stores and lnternatlon.il Paper- The only stocks to show -iny degree of strength were Replogle and Vanadium, Vana-dium, which were sustained bv pool buying. The seven per cent opening rate for call money w.is considered moderate In view of heavy withdrawals or funds luring the week for federal payments Kails r the only features of t tie Intermediate' period. Southern Pacific ui.d Norfolk and Western leading the. Investment shares ot moderate gains,' while Wisconsin central Increased its' tise to 3 b points. Minneapolis & St. I IaiuIs. New York. Chicago ft St. Louis! mid ( leela:id. Cincinnati, Chicago fc St. Louia also were stronger. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Last Sale) Allls-Chalmers 30 A American Heel Sugar ... American Can 33 .American Car cV Foundry lilVe American Hide A Leather pfd . . 73 I American International Corp, .71 'American Loromotlu $4 American Smelting & Refg. ... 65 1 America n Sugar 113 j American Sumatra Tobacco . . . '. 84 I American T. A: T 95va American Woolen 751)., Anaconda Copper 51 'i Atchison " Mv AM.. Gulf ft . Indies 133 ' Uuldwin Locomotive io5B l . li, more &c Ohio 33 '4 tJtthlehem Steii H" '02 Canadian Paciiic 1 "0 vJentrai Leather Ijr. Itandter Motors . , J , Chesapeake iiio . ' . , 5j-j Chicago, Mil. ft Sl Paul.. .. 34 Chicago, u. 1. a: tac 351- Chlno Copper 2' ' Colorado r uel &- Iron 35 L'crn Products 88 Crucible Cteel ....... ih Cuba Cane SiiKat 3t'4 1 Lrio ' 1 .. i- 1 ii.-,...r,.i ici,.i !- I , ititncral Motors . , . ki (Ooodileh Co 55 I Q real Northern pfd 73 lOreat Northern Oie otfs 311. I Lino's Central x5, 'inspiration Copper . 45a, 11. t Aler. Mari. e pfd ' 7j &, international Paper 5,0 Kchiiecott Copper j Louisville ft Nashville . . .' .' ! Maxwell Motors 13 Mexican Petroleum .. . . ifaxt Miami Copper (as Middle- States Oil . ALiale Steel .' V) 2 MlSSOUl 1 Pacific ' ' " 1 S New V01 k Central 7 ,1 n v. n. h. & Hartford 33 Norfolk Western 91 Northern Pacific 73 u Oklahoma Prod ft1 lid ..... . 3:' Pan American Petroleum . ... 854 l' nnsylvania People s Ga .71- filching and West a. t Ray Consolidated copper . .. . it. ;.i:ng c p lion steel . goit Royal Dutch, N V sjV Sr.eil Trans. & Trad , . . " 61 Sinclair Con. Oil ' -7 southei n Pacific y- ll Southern Railws . . . ' ' 3'. Standard Oil of K. J. pfd. 10514 S'udebakcr Coruoratlon 63 Tennessei Copper Texas Co 37 Texas ft Pacific ; ' ; '. " " " ) " ) " 3 -, 1 Tobacco Products 65 Transcontinental nil . , 9 I niori Pacific 1 1 v 1 c. S Pood Products . 68 41 I 8. Retail Stores . 67 , 1 S. Ind, Alcohol ' ' ' ' s4 1 I nlted States Rubber . ... " S4i'i I "nlted. States Steel . . 71 jLtsh ( oppcr . 61 , W isl Inghouse Klectrlc ' 40 ' Willy's Overlands American Zinc l-ad and Sm :, j Ltuttc and Superior (, 1 .- in. Petroleum 2f I Montana Power m I g j jShatluck Arizona . . 8U OGDEN l.IVliSTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts 22C; choice heavv steers $ 8 . 5 u (ft 9 . (.1 0 , good steers $S 00 ft 8 50; fair steers S6.507.60. I ' hoice feeder steers 6.00&7 00 'choice cowi and heifers ? 0 . 00 Tj 6 75' f-ir to good cows and heifers 00 ft' .00. cutters Jl. 00ft 5.00; canners ,13 00ft 4 00 choice feeder cows J5 00! C B 00; fat hulls $4 50gs 0o bologna hulls $4. 00 ft 4.50. veal calVes $0 00 1 C"" 10.00. Hogs Receipts 452; choice fat hogs 175 to 260 lbs., $13 2.", ft h no bl( of sales $13.50 13. 75; feeders $11 00 ft. 12.00. 1 Sheep Receipts 11.07S, choice lambs $10. 00010 50 wethers S8.ro ft 7 60; fat ewes $5 00ft 5 50, feeder Limbs SS . 00 ft 9 . 00, 1 Arrivals. I Jerber Bros.. Sterling, Ida.. 1 carloads sheep; Parley Anderson. Conlam, Ida,, 1 load cattle, A Y Gaglune Cherry Credk, Nov., 4 cars sheep; A. Chachas, k'herry Creek, Nev., 4 loads sheep, 'p,ln I'-u-kliiK iV- Provision 1 Sonih iiimahn Neb. (", loads hojjs C i-thur, i-thur, Klamath Palls, On 20 loads 'sheep, E. H. Tyron, Klamath Falls, me, 2(i load 1 sheep Uivid Grant, Oakley, Ida.. 2 loads cattle Jerry Yragui, Blko, Nov., 10 loads sheep, j Andrew I'.in-h.nn, Lui in, ,", loads cattle. cat-tle. CHIC GO GRAIN. CHICAGO, Aug. 23 W heat was under un-der pressure at the start today because of lack of support. After opening 1 " lower, with December $2 Bifl 2.31fc and March 2.82ft, buying or-ders or-ders appeared and 8 fair ,.illv followed. follow-ed. Corn opened c lower to 1c higher VL'ltll tll t,- ,111, 1. , T- -"B mj "t"":o inr II EXU VmlK I selling on Mia advance ciusrd a 1 eac- .tion. with September little Firmei o scattered buvlng Relatively low temperatures had some effect, hut the sentiment still id bearish among the pit element. September started at $1.4201. 421 and December $i . 20 ft. 1 . 21. Oats were under pressure, duo to 1 large receipts, but In the main reflected reflect-ed the action of corn. Initial quota-,tlcns quota-,tlcns ranged from c lower to "C higher, with Septemhcr 66 4 ft 66 and December 66 ft 66 "c. Provisions were very quiet at the start Lard Started i shade to 15c higher. Pork started lower. J MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Mercantile papei B per cent Exchange heavy; sterling demand 53 85; cables $3 . 85 . Francs. Demand 7 01c, cables 7 03c Belgian francs; Demand 7.53c; cables ca-bles 7 . S5c. Guilders Demand 32.3S. cables' 3 2 50c. Lire: Demand 4 61c. cables 4.63c. Marks: Demand 1 91c, cables 1.-?2c 1.-?2c New York exchange on Montreal II 15-16 per cent discount. Time loans strong; tiw days, 90 days and 6 months 9 per cent. Call money steady: hiKh 7 per cent; low 7 per cent; ruling rale 7 per cent,' losing bid 6 per cent: offered at 7 per cent; last loan 7 per cent. Ml 1 Ah MARKET. NEW KORK, Aug. -3 Copper Meady. Iron firm. No 1 northern .,o - wv'ui.vu, .ho. a norinern $48 00 j49.0U. No. - southern $45 00ft 4b. Ou. Tin weak, spot and nearby $46 7j futures $47 00 ' Antimony $7.25. Lead in in. .-.pot $9 0009.60. Zinc steady. Last Si. Louis delivery spot $8 008, 2.V At London: .pot copper 94 24s hf'. electrolytic Ull 13s, lead t35 1 bo; zinc 4U 15s. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, AUB 23 if. S Bureau! or Markets.) Hogs Receipts 4000: uneven, mostly steady; bulk medium and llcht $14 25ft 14.50; top $14 85 bulk butcher stock and packing grades I $13 9 ft H . 2 ,", Cattle Receipts 1 5.500; beef and1 buicher cattle, .r.ien.in ow.i or- veals weak; Blockers and feeders 2 ft , uc lov.ei . Sheep tiecelpts 32,000 killing1 QlaSSes strong to J.ti higher, best e.iri sule fat lambs 118.25, some held' higher feeders 25 10 50c higher, best Jaily stile feeding lambs $12.45. CASH PRICES. CHH AGo. Am,'. '3. Wheat No. 0 ed $2 462.47Vi; No. 2 hard $- 4 4 B 2 . 4 1 . o.n .no . mizea $i.67tjl.82; No 2 . How $ 1 b3'. Oats No. 2 white 69? 71c; No 3 v. hite 66 ft 690. Uye No. $i..,"y i, 4 .01. Barley nominal. Clover seed $ 23 00 ft. 2 4 . 00. Pork nominal. La i d f 1 s H Libf. nominal. MAY YORK SUGAR. NLV, iuKK, Aug. 23.--j;aw sugar M llet; 1 entrlfugal $12.04. refin.l 1 isy; nne granulated $17.10022 ', Sugar futures weie irregular and about ten points lo.ver to J 5c higher, a noon, the weakness teing in near-by! positions owing to ihe weakness In spots Which caused liquidation and HHll street selling A little covering sustained the lat monthe. LIBERT) BONDS. bondSW YOKK- AUB Llbertyj 3',s S9.96, firs' 4s 84.38. second' 4 84 30; first 4ks 84 64; second 4 Us' j ; third 4 us 17 78; fourth SSal 84. 80; Victory 3s 95.54, ictory 9o 58. RfTTIJR AND KC.GS. CHICAGH. Aug 28. Butter unchanged; un-changed; creamer;. 4 I - .', ,, Eggs higher, receipts 6536 cases-fusts cases-fusts 46 948c; ordinary drsts 42U 43V4c; at mark, cases Included 4 3 storage packed Mrbia 4sc.ft! POUltl-V. l,nl,.uJ. . , 88c; springs 34 Cc I LONDON R t 1 v LMXiM.x. Aug. 28. Bar silver I ,1 pi r ounce Money 5 per cent Dlscountr ates. Short bills 6 per cent. 3 months bills 6 '-8 per cent POTATOES. CHICAGO ug. 23 Potatoes Keceipts 37 cars; market firm Virginia Vir-ginia cobblers 84.760600 per barrel I- rsey sacked $3 00ft 3 10 per cw t : Minnesota early Ohlos 12.6592. 76. ' NFW YORK SILVER, NEW YORK, Aug 23 Bar silver domestic. 8036c; foreign 97'4c Mexican dollars 74c AT MINNEAPOIjI8. MINNEAPOLIS) Aug 23. Flour line hanged. Hran $42. on. 00 . CENSUS REPORT. WASHINGTON, Aug 23 Kansas City. Missouri. 324,410, increase 76-029, 76-029, or 30.6 per cent. Santa Barbara California. 19,441, increase 7,782, or 66,7 per cent. Alyria 20,474, Increase 5,649, or 38.1 per cent Petersburg, VS , 31.002, increase 6,-75. 6,-75. or 28,5 per cent, |