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Show world market for u. s. i products unlimited; NEW YORK, Aug. 23. J P Cleve naar. who has been abroad pcvcn ! months making .1 BUrvej nf Europe! and uorthern Africa for the National Association of Manufacturers has just 1 returned to New York deciarip hat "a permanent world market foi Ameri-1 can products is practlcallv unhtnitd " : "Thore is a great ceneral pr.jprrit- , everywhere." ho nald, "despite heavj j government debts and the necesiity ol 1 renewing propertols thai were al 1 lowed lo deprcoliiie during the five' years of strife Tho Cnlted States has come to i looked upon as the great world sou 1 Of supply "In Egypt, TunU. Algiers and ilc j rocco tho people made enormous sup a durlng tho war and tho Egyptian today ) is a rich man He buys automobiles and his women wear silks Of eour-, we are meeting with comprfltlon but onh the United Slates can supply t e ever increasing demands of the world ' |