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Show Making Ribbon Ron. To make a handsome ribbon rose In t Aow one of tho most pipulnr of the mart girl's dress accessories. You take three yards of No. CO nail a ribbon la two shades of pink. Throe loop two and a half Inches to thro and a alt Inches deep, and ono end four hichoa, of light pink rlblmn, with two loopa ot deeper pink rlbbnn added, form a bow, which la the background of the roue. The alnglo end la tied about the bow and trimmed to a point. In thta row the roso la embedded. The center of tbo roso la made of the deepor pink ribbon. A yard and a fourth of tills l doubled down the middle, mid-dle, and wrapped about a wire atera to form tho mac center. Three petals of dark and three of light pink ribbon are added, each two and a half to three and a half Inchea deep. Time are almpljr loopa of ribbon which furm the outer petal of tho large roue. A spray of rose foliage ran bo used to make the effect more realistic. A bow for the hair can be mailo of ono yard of light pink ribbon, with five loopa and one end. Four buda made of darker dark-er pink rlhhon are added. The stoma (with calyx) are bought ready-made. Blouse of White 811k. Blouiie of whlto allk made with I groups of tucka jeffr!TS and trimmed at f ''Jfli-. op, yoVe fash- lyjt V1!' Ion, between the 3? n "'J" tucka, with strap! ' f of pink velvet, or allk, ornnmonted ysyVJrOv "n motifs or ftLfj while laco. The if I standing collar la ffjf y mado with groups IkJTJ ff k of stitching and lfl . ,no 11,110 crsTllt ' TV ill ot Dln,t Tolvo'- or Mo aatl 1 c. WnLrl tucked In the same I way, tho tucka I w J onon'n "' ,0 I form I"1" ' tn0 J elbow, and the 1 ' T'i ,0,tnr 0Rrt trlm' vr mod with the pluk Yelvot and lace motifs. Tho glrdlo la of pink velvet, or allk, fastened with a allvor buckle. Wiener Wien-er Chic. Taffeta Shirt Walat When tho summer girl wishes to look the moot captivating In the morn-' morn-' log she will appear In clthor a fresh ' hajid embroidered Una shirt waist or hi a crlsp-looklng ahlrt walat costume f taffeta. The stylish way of making a taffeta ahlrt waist drose la to trim It with mcdalllona or Irish or Para gnay lace, with French knots In some sinking contrasting color, outlining each medallion. Two mcdalllona are eulllelent to use on the ahlrt waist, which will look smart If tautened with earl buttona, which are so much the fashion this season. Cherry Bounce. Cherry bounce la a species of popular popu-lar cordlnl used In the South, and kept among the fnmlllnr rulea of sick-room cookery. Take four pounds ot sour cherries and the same quantity of weel onea. Tut them In a wooden dtsb. I'ounU thorn hard enough to crush the cherries and break all the stone. Pir. the cherries Into a store Jar. mixing In two and a hntf pounds of whlto sugnr. four a gallon of the bent whisky or brandy over them, and turn the whole Into a demijohn. Keo It corked tightly and shako It ve-7 day lor a month. At the end of six months or a year strnln It and bottle It. do It for a cordial, serving It In miniature ginkgos. For Country House Party. Gown of very llnht beige, or champagne cham-pagne silk voile. The skirt Is shirred finely at the top. forming a hip yoko, I hen alnut half way down tho Csr"'f fullness Is driwn In by groups of fk shirring, leaving iWyS. plain places be- htSKl"S? tween the groups. VrA'itk The corsage Is 1"' A J mado party of Irish ? flf'tu J guipure and party ill j II f of the voile. The 11 jj lattor forms , two jj J Bc.hu like draper- Ji I 1 Y loa In front, shir- 7ffIiArV red at the shoul- d'JJ ,1 V dors, also the bot- ; 7 I.V Inm of Ih.i ranin shirred to Uie guipure yoke. The upper part of the sleeve la of the guipure, with puff of the voile shirred at the top and finished with a deep cuff of guipure. La Guide dea Cou-turlcrea. Cou-turlcrea. Fried Cauliflower, divide a cooked cauliflower Into small branches and dip them separately separate-ly lrto some stiff bochamel aau e, whlci. has been mixed with sufficient tomato catsup to make It pink, and put them aalde until the sauce li act Then dip the pieces of cauliflower Into beaten egg and cover them thickly with panuretto (red bread crumbs), and alter allowing about a quarter of an hour for tho crumbs to harden fry the raultflowor In a wire backet Boy's Bailor Blouse. The Bailor bli.jno yf" la the accepted g",'i favorite for small Ajto J buv d Uie Jaun- ti t,r "fyl ahown s- here la character- .AyV Iscd by a double- f k. Dr.od front un- 7vVi dor which the edge L JnxovC W ot th 5,ok Jfr Vjjrl sewed. The aleeve fa - Is the "navy" style J j V I wlt'a plaits at wrist VI j yand at shouldor. jP Tne foliar may te t I I pointed or aquart, 1 In front, as pro- vision la made for both atylos. The I trooaera are Lli ahapod by aide, i f. lnsldo and center j V seams and may be closed with a fly y or at the aides. f I Moon, pique, gal- j fy atea, flannel, duck, chovlot and suitings suit-ings In general are suggoatod, nalng braid or bands or contrasting matorlal for trimming and decorating the shield and aloeve with emblems. Calico Coming Again. Thero Is an old mnlorlal coming to the lore s'-aln. and this la nothing more nor lens than old fashioned calico, cal-ico, n calico gown la ao out of date as tn be hopeless to tho majority ot people, yet thoxo who keep right up to the mark are looking at the new calico and Investing In It. The special causo of the return of calico to popularity Is the shirt waist suit, fur calico makes up so very noat-ly noat-ly Into theso suits. And another reason rea-son IB the Improvement In the pat-torrs pat-torrs of the now calicoes which leave so very little to be desired. There come very pretty ra'lco pntterna In cream with a little figure and In light blue and light pink and in the darker colore, brown, green and navy blue. These wanh well, wear llko lrou. and, aro so very neat that ono Is tempted to Invest so that one ran have a pretty shirt wslat suit for morning wear. White India tMk Frock, Rlmple and girlish Is a white India silk frock for a l-ycar-old glrL The. skirt baa a yoke effect given by row of laco Inserting and Sue tucka. A ruffle ruf-fle ot lace and tucks round the toot gives It the soft, frilly look ao dear to the feminine heart. Tho round walat has a squat e yoke of lace, with groups of lace and tucka below. The puffed slncvos are caught In by bands of the lace and finished Just bolow the elbow with a lace r utile Gown of Blue Voile. The ahlrt la cut In panels, opening at the bottom over long point ot white foulard dot' ted with blue. The front panel la bordered bor-dered at tho top with banda ot blue embroldory. The blouse If also slashed open over the dotted foulard, and the fronts are ho r- ' derod with the embroidery. The deep, cape-like shouldor collar la cut tn po'itcd blocks, or tabs, at the edges. The plastron and cra vat are of whlto taffeta and the fir die Is of blue. The sleevea litre at tbo bottom where they are slashed opon over underslcevos of the dotted foulard. Le Qulde doa Couturlerea. Gooseberry Pudding. Stow a quart of green gooseberries and awoeten well; when cold add the Juice and grated rind of a lemon, beats on yolka ot five egga and beaten whites of two; mix all together; beet throe whites of eggs and add all ounces of powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon Juice; butter a small baking dish, put fruit in and pour lo Ing ovunly ovor the tup; bake tea or fifteen minutes. Blxarre Trimming. Practical frocks In biscuit, yellow and Ivory shades are mostly trimmed with black taffeta, nut these bliarre contrasts are not effective nnlesa car rled out with consummate aklll. |