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Show RUSSIA VERY ANGRY ORDERS IQUADRON TO SAIL FOR TURKISH WATERS Demands f Csar That Punlehmtnt b Meted Out to Assassins Must I Compiled With. A arjutJron of the Russian Clark aoa fleet sas been ordered to (all for Turkish atnr. Notification of this inov bss been telegraphed from Bebaatopet to the Russian embassador at ConaiWJtlDople. Tb dUpatib of the squadron I Intended In-tended t emphasize Russia Intention Inten-tion of atactlng complete compliance with her demands a to aatlaracton fur ths murder by a Turkish getv d arm ef ber consul at Monaallr. Th cxar ordered that no promise oa the part of the Turkish government ahould M accepted, but that douiaude hould t n.ailo aa follows: The Immediate aovoro punishment of the sjurderer; tho arreat and exemplary exem-plary tonlahment of the person who fired alM. Koatkovoakl'a carriage; th Inmcdlat production of poaltlv proofs that th vail of Monaatlr ha been actually banished; the Immediate severs punishment of all th civil and military offlrlal responsible for tb urdef. |