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Show Oytenltry Care Unhawl fee Alii of a lluclor. 'r"l art eut np Irnm a bird ipell ol th (rlyuery) ta Mr( T. A. riuntrr twwllknoi merchaui ol Drummond, rno. "I otet one t mull bottle ol Chaui- Werlnin'i Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rruedy, and wu) cured withou' having jl doctor. 1 contiir it the bl cholera remedy in tbe worlt." There la no need lit employing a doctor whtn tbie remedy it uted, lor no doctn can pretcrlbe metier medicine for bovel complaint lo wy form either for ebbjreo or adult. It never fa.lla and la plevjtnl to take, for lalo by John Hoyden A Son. |