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Show Yet, tlianlt, it's plenty hoi rnou!h. Fruit peddler ar Miliar tctrc Dill uuiuier. A laugh li worth hundred iroaut in njr niitrkot. Two practical nin are wanted at th Dealer ruin. 1 V. W. Clutr returned bom Irorn Knit I.on hamrday latt. Will Clini" wat in town Wedutaday diuniming up our merchanla. Mauy a beau ia ma.1 to quiver when 1 Cupid flrtt hit durtt. Mn. )!. It. Wllllamtol l'toa wat down tills week vniiing relative!. 1 What a good worl I tlm wuulj t if all nieu did wLai they lat of. Mini Winnie (iceruon of rail Lake City It here Tithing fnendt. Aiiiki Miwlier ol Turk Ci'y naidown iyetterday vitilitit; relative!. "" - Mrp. at. tVvey fame out trum Halt ' d I-aseTltaterday lur a ihort vmt. It it natural that the man who givrt Lluiaull attar thould Itel cheap. Geor Heard and family returned lat. ' evtnlng from their tithing trip. (,'. J.I.utty returned to EaltLakeou Monday to commence work again. A pottponcd lata more toil begeta, mid borrowed money paya no debit. Thete hot day make everybody feel like taking a tneaa into tlx mouutaint. It Ukri one to mate a mind, two to make a bargain, tbiee to make a mar- riage. The train but been three and four bouia late I it m td.o every day thit week. The hotel which advritliet home comfort! com-fort! doci uot alnu.it ipecily the kiud of borne, Mitt Lizzie Kduingiou returned Trict-duy Trict-duy uiormng from a pleatant vltit to l'ark City. ' County Clrrk Ne.lty anil wife re turned borne Tuciday oight from their litbiug trip. W. (1. Hhead returned home tbltweek J f run. Idaho, where he bat been working I (or leveral monlha. I Citorge 01 ton came in from lllltt, Ida., j Monday night, and will tpend ten dnyt , here Willi hit family. 1 Mla Maud Neeley ol Woodland it Hlicr atUllng her hrutiir, Cuunty Clerk Ncelny, nilli hit ollic wurk. (j The flut three dayt of thit week were j tbo holliat thit traton. A it- d big rain I j tturin would 4 lota of good. j I 1 Several pullet of campcri have left J h.re diiriiu Ihe week furthe lu'iidnaturt ; ol tu VYiber and Dear rivert. FOR BALE Card board, picture ' mount, fancy tiniicmry, note bookt, ', j paper, euveloper, etc., ut Hi t cilice. !Mr(. Frank Iieuiiug and family aud Mr. It y vYilaiui and latully have tpent the putt week up (. ba'.k Creek attbe : . ; ranch of U. Iteming. j J When you want 1, phitic ihal la mild I j and gentle, eaty to take and rertain to f ! act, ala,ra nae ChaU'lierUiu't ritouiai-h 1 and I iver Tubleit. For by John I Itoyden A Son. 1 M i j . f ! I Koine pe'iple K't credit for broken! ht-nriw w h n they have limply lott thcr nerve. i Never advertite vu.ir tronble. II you ' have liiwleg., ilon't wear ttrltedj trourerr. M.. Florence Mnith of l'ark Ci rtnie d'wn yet'erdty n.nrning and will viMt a few dnyt with relative!. The bn'y bny of Mr. and Mrt. Will Allitoti of tlgden, who are vititing here, ban been qu.te tick the patt week. W. J.Welth and wile of Salt Uke cuine out Haturdiiy and etnt a few ilnyt with rrlattvet, reluming WednewUy. The tlreet tp inkier wat thut oil Monday Mon-day night on account of there tielng no water in Ihediich tl.at rbli theretervoir. Mipi Kibel firmer, who lint been at thuCoalville HnuMfor teveial nmntlit, returned tober home in Morgau ye.tter- Jy. The Weber home bat received a coat uf paint, the Mowe have been repapered and waa opened thit week at a ruvming houte. Mrt. Alei Wilkin. Mrt. William Dunn and Mrt. lialph l'uullon, with their children chil-dren of l'ruvo are bere vititing their relative. Mrt. W. M. Hoyden went down to Salt Lake Tuetday to te her eiler, Mitt Mary Tiaimat, who la autfering with ap-peudlcitit. ap-peudlcitit. William Staley and lamily came down from l'ark City yetierday morning tud went up toSniith'trancbonCbiilkCreek for a few daya outing. Mrt. pencer Wiiliaini and family returned re-turned to their borne in Cumberland, Wjo., .Veduenlay, alter a moulh't vmt bere with relative. lr. W. Vitick and family, W. i. Wnght, Jr., and lamily and J. II. Hob-ion Hob-ion and lamily are over on ilear river flthlng and buting lor ten daya. Mr. aud Mra, T. L. Allen and Mr. and Mra. ti. W. Young will enterta n a number num-ber ol their filehda at lawo party tonight, to-night, at the borne ol the former. Mr. Agnet Newtnn returned to her borne id Salt Lice yetterday morning afier vititing here lor lix weeka, the guetl ol Mr. and Mrt. Alex. Wright. There are no idle men In to oat pretent. The baying aeatou, the new court boute and the drain ditch luruiah plenty ol work, and men aie Indeiuaad. A marrlnge liceuta wat Ittued yetierday yetier-day to W. J. Senium, aged 21, aud A. Hoover, aged 18, both of I'ai k Cay. To young couple were married by Juttico W. II. Hmith. The work of excavating for lha foundation founda-tion ol the new court bout la about completed and In a day or two the uiaione will commence to lay rockt In the foundation. A. D. Wbeadon left lant Friday night for Woolcott, Wyo., to bold the potition of catblei (or the Cnbn I'aciQc at that l-oiut. Mrt. Wbeadon anJ Gleaeon 01-ton 01-ton will look after the nfllce here. d Uaro bad on if bla lega badly luiaahed lint Friday In a hay la'er. In t'lme manner hit leg got Into the machine ma-chine and wat cruthed to badly that the young man will be laid up for 'evert) 'ev-ert) dayt. All dlietiet ttart in the bowelt. Keep them open or you will tie tick, CAri-CAKE'IS CAri-CAKE'IS act like nature. Keep liver and boaelt active without a tickening gnp ng leeln g. 6:1 milli ii't pciple ttue and recin'iien I CAHCAKKTS; try a 10c h x. jtll ilruvgi'le. The regular unmilily me) ting of ilia 27ll qin iillll f reven'et will be held in the Academy building at t'onlviileoii Salurdiy, Ann Huh, at llo'cloca a. in. Ail nieuihere are reipietted ti b preterit pret-erit nt I Lit- meeting. At the bltih i oiincll meetinii held bere on c'Jturdiiy Ut', a tioaid ol educatl m or ruuimit l-t.ike wut app'dmed, con-litting con-litting ol the Make I'reeidenvy, Mirt Lizzie Thomai ol Kama, lvid .Srir uf JI jyii-ville aud Frunk Evaut and wife ol Coalville. Mrt. Mollie Allen, of couth i'A rk, Ky., inyt the bat prevented attackt of cliol-1 era u. or but by taking C hamberlain't Mouiacb and Liver Tableta w hen the felt, an attack coming on. bucb a'Uckt are utnally canted by indigittion, and Ihene Tablett are Jutt what it needed to ; cleante the ttomacb and ward off the approaching attack. Attackt ol bilioua colic may be prevented in the tame way. For tale by John Hoyden & boo. J. W. Ilobinton left her on FrWy latt I. r Vernal. 11 will l"nd "-,k laboring in that Riake in th Intcrrf of ibe Vnintah Academy before mencing to teu h in that houl. Wm. Alhton, tiiiwriutendent vt ti'f Og.len city tchnola, tietit Monday i4 Tueadey in Coalvillf. Jl 'H "la,n here on Suturdar and In company l'n eeveralnl theCoalvllle "rporttmen" will take a few dayt' chicken hunt on Yell"W creek. Supt. W. I.. Ilaneen and wife of tinwt Creek, bit titter aud brother and family ol Salt Lake, I'retlon J. Cannon and wile ol S;t Lake and niahnp Align! J-Cannou J-Cannou and lunly r l Sutderyilie leri-ed leri-ed a nierry party that went over on Hear river thia week for an outli t. . , Mining propt are being hauled into the depot yard every day. Another car-lotd car-lotd wat thipped away thit week, and mure will lie thipped in the near future. Coniiderahle lumber bat alto lieen bau'ed down from Morhv'i mil and piled in the depot yard for ahipnient. llynim F.nlt and Thoinat We'll), who have the contract to put In the drain from the court home to Chalk Creek, with their men have been making t'ut dirt fly the p.'tt week and they no have the pi pet laid up to Ira E.dredge'i. They expect to have the Job compleNtu' by the 2uth. j Ilr. O. W. French and family ill leave on Paturdav night for a two njoutm' trip In the eatl. They will go flrtt to New York and from there till villi relative! in Iowa and other nam. We with them a eale and happy trip, Dr. W. J. Dardiley, a phytlcian of Salt Luke City, will be bere during Pr. French'! abtence. j We received thl week from the experiment ex-periment atatlon of Agricultural Collefr at Logan Bulletin No. 80 Irrigation la-yeitigation la-yeitigation in 1001 on tbe College fart. The bulletin contain! tome valuable it-formation it-formation and onr farmer! wbothik ! they never hove enough water ahooa tend for a copy and read It. Knnday echoed and meeting! will i commenced agajii cji r)uoJaj No urjr cate ol amalt pox have brukeo out dor-ing dor-ing the patt two week! and thoie who are atllicted have nearly recovered and will toon be releaied. The onet quarantined quar-antined now are tbe' famlliei of John Stouei, Ed Reea and Cecelia Laity. Tbe quorum, auxiliary and rtake prietlhood meeting! will he held bare on Saturday, tin ZMt, commencing at at 11 o'clock. All iutereited abould be pretent. On tbe following day, Sunday, a conlerence of the iUliel Society and I'rlmary Attociationi of the Stake will be held, one organization holding a li't-lion li't-lion in tbe forenoon aud tbe other in tbe afternoon. No doubt tbe attendance will be large, Viiilon from Salt Lake will be pretent. A tail-end collltlon occurred at tbe wett twitch ct I'eterton Taeiday morning, morn-ing, In which two pattengera and a lire-man lire-man were tomewbat injured, Tbede-tailt Tbede-tailt of th wreck are given at follow! : The cattbound freight wat attempting to make I'ett reon ahead ol No. 102, the eattbouud fait mall. No. 102, bei.gOD time and knowing nothing aluut tbe freight ahead, ttiuck the rear end of tbe latter juit at it wat pulling in over Iht twitch. The accident occurred on a abarp curve, to that no time wat given to nop the train. Supt. W. M. Eoydun altendej a meeting meet-ing in Ilockport Wednesday night called by tbe tchoul trutteei to vote' on tht proportion of building a new tchool houte at that plai. lie illluru.l ui ll.at Ihute preterit voted 2 to 1 in favor of a new bul'ding, aud that work will be couiuitnced on the tame Jutt at loon ai poitiblr. K x kpurtLa.il) needt a ue ai hol bouve and the tmail cult to erect a tuiuhlu buililiug wlllburdly befell by the taxpiiert. A tcituol Itacber cu accouipiith a great deal more aiihtht I pup.lt hen ho hill a goul bl'ililll f t ju.cil in. vJotd ech'Hil boutii are iroilii to uny co i.uiunuy. ' J |