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Show COUNTY NEWS. Items o! Interest Gathered bj Oar LorresponJeats In Various I Towns ot County. a...,.. .... rcoA. r..i, l'tah, .Inn 1, 1i"4 Now we httvn tlm monlti of roan, wl-ding, wl-ding, ami fine weathnr. Our riliteu turned nut in m De-roratlnu De-roratlnu lv ilwiruli"! thr-graf. ol tiin lovfj end ilfiartod oliee Willi flow' era. On Ilia alt.rnnnn of May SOlh tin lloytavlll I bull ti-am rnma to IVia lo w.i it In our horn team. Mil tliny loll? Not nmrh! At tin cl. lo wa. ju.t two to their one. The old man rontrd for I'eoa goal awl .trongand the llnyt. villa boy. urn! hnmp d to biiill a monuiui-nt to their iMvat. Per-hap. Per-hap. th'V will have, btiir tore., ni'it limp, bntwailouliltt. Tha game ilraw the largat rrow J crrr tann on our ball ground. Comily Stirvnyor i:. II. Ittin.d ia iloinK work up ! way. The lo.t man liat not lawn been heard of. Thru., frum a W a"n. Mr. (irorna K. !alioik wa. thrown frcm hla waaon and ewvrrely hrulMid. Ha applied Charnbarlalu't I'aln Halm freely and tayt It It til beat liniment he r need. Mr. tlalirork ia a wall known cltliun of North Main, Conn. There I. nothiniiiial to Puln lliilin lor tpr.in. and bruiav.. It will irot a curt) iu ona third Ilia tlmartiirrd by any other trralmeut. For rale hy John liiyden A Bon. KocaruaT, Utah, Jnna I, 1904. uitom Tmaa: Tha people bara tunnel out In (orr on Monday and decorated tha graves of tha dead. Mr. and Mr.. Steuiurldge aiutlec-uratiou aiutlec-uratiou Pay in Salt Laka. Mlae Helta Ciibboni of Park City I. Tltlllng (riandi and relatival bar. ( bdvlTil of our young peoplo attended tha commencement esercl.ee of the connty ichool. at Park City la.t Friday. wMri, llorllu kuj dangliter have gone !to Bait Lake on t tint. Mr. Iturbldga ol Kauiaa nia.le a pic.-aut pic.-aut call on your correipondent a few ) ago. , flnr road anpervlanr I. tepalrlng the road in three mile canyon. Kncxh Drown of liny tavilla in our home mltelona'T la.t Sunday. William M. Htaker made a bualneie trip to fait l.ake ou Monday. Janiee Snll.bury met with a painful arrldent a few day. auo. While riding a J hoie after aoiue cow. the animal fell un j hlin and hurt him In the bark quite re J Tcrly. It wae thought .ouie rib. were . broken but be lion the Improve aud will soon be around again. WAMauir. Waaauir, Utah, June I, llKH. KiJiToaTmm: Clara I'eterann ha. been quite tii'k but i the la better at 111 ia writing. Fred Raeraiuaen will Watt) here tomorrow to-morrow for Stockton, where he cxperie to take charge of a .ectiou on the rail-' rail-' road. i ' The 1.1-yenrold .ou ol Mr.. Koxey I Hweetlleld ol I'ark City wat burled her ! la.t riuni'ay. Thl.l.lliewcondclilld Mr.. J Hweetlleld ha. lo.t lu.ideo! a year. Her , bu.band died about (our yeor. ago aud ; el ore then .he baa burled three childreu. ;IIer Irleud. in Wanahip.yuipathina with her. 1 Kliler. Fa.kett and M-arden of llrne- i ler were borne mla.lonariet berefcm- day. We alio had with u Elder Anthony An-thony Hate., who ban Ju.t returned from niLeion. Mr. andMr.. Oleu.lagerure the happy tiareata of a ten pouud boy, born on May :5ih. Home cleaning i. In order Ju.t at pre.. ' 1 ant. , IH't'oralloK Day aa. observed hy the . people tnrniig out aud .trewing llowera t) i tbe grave, of the dead. ' Mr.. Mury Willlaiua aud childieuof Tark Clly came dnwu flam that city ' Monday and are vi.itlng with relative. j and frieudi. B. Higby and family, liaivey Moore aud Murk lliiaon went to l'ark City on i Mouday lo wituet. the ball Kuiue. Ueorge Moore h.i lain vary tick but j be la better at preaent. j John Young made a iliort tuiiutia j trip to Park City a few day. ago. j WAII.ATI H Wiiat ii, rtab,May3l, lttOa. KDrrua Tiam: 1 1 nd g'l rain, here on the I!ith, 2rtth and ?'th. Coyote, are reported to l ravaging the herd, of the liewrel l.lieHtockJrou -p.ny. The crop ol young laiula la linmen.e, the ie.on having been a very favorable Wright llrm.nl Yellow Creek .tart to hear their .beep thi. week. M.J. Stone ol I gden wa. doing buai-ne.. buai-ne.. here the llrat ol the week. Philander lluii h of Wood a Cn.i, m a vli.tor here (or .everul day. during the week. J. W. It.wle and brother were in lhi vicinity doing limine., on Snud.y. The d'llorent .hearing outllt are preparing tnliegin oiertiona. Seieral wool buyer, have lieen looking look-ing up buiine.. here la'ely. iiil kr III. Uo'Oir "A doctor here ha. .ued lor 12 jo, which 1 claiinid waa i xi enive for acaae of.hol.'ianiorhii.," ay. U. White, id Coachella, Cal. "At the trial he praixed In. medirul akill and mnillcina. I aiked hi in if it waa not Chamberlain. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kauiedy be uwd aa I had gixid reaioii to believe It wa., and he would uot .ay under oath Unit it wa. not." Nodoctor could line a lietter remedy than thi. in a caie of cholera ni irbii., II never lull". Sold by John Hoyden A Pop llaaaraa, Utah, June I, IM. ElilToaTim.: A number ol Ilia lleneler men left yeiterd.y (or WahiaU'h to ahear .heep. II. V. lllll.k.T.a-.l.t.nt nipt., end II. J, K ith, train oiaater nl the . e). I.., made a kualner. trip here on May 2811'. Some important change, lor the benefit of the people.Hi expected In the near future. Moat of Ihoie reported lick during tb laat few week, are fa.t recovering. I'o.t Olflc linpector Sharp made an olllnal yiiit to lleueler ye.lurday. Mia. Jei.ie Paikett, wno bat been attending at-tending avhool In Salt Lake all winter, 0 tine home on May 30ih. Charlet Noble Kichint and MUa Klec-ti Klec-ti Fowler were married in the Salt Lake Temple to-day. They bare many friend, who wi.h tbeoialong, happy and proaperoua fnyagn thrnngh life. C. II. Weal of lloyt.vllle and Wui. Cumuli of Coalville were home mie.iun-klrea mie.iun-klrea hereon Punday la.t. Diahop M. F. Harrl. came out from the city on a brief vl.it during the week. 1 am pleated to aay hi. wile continue, con-tinue, to Improve, Jamcel ythgoe thipped a car ol hay Iroin tin. place during the week. Some olour uieu turned outun Saturday Satur-day and gruhlied .uge brti.h and other-wi.e other-wi.e put our cemetery in prder for He-roratlon He-roratlon day. There wa. a greater number num-ber that abould have done likewl.e, but didn't. The d new. reached here on Peroration Perora-tion 1'nv of the deathof Helena Toone, wileul LyouTooue, ol Croyduu, who leave, a large family and a sorrow ing htttband. The lady waa highly re-pectetl re-pectetl by all who knew ber here, and our aympathy 1. extended to the Iwroav-ed Iwroav-ed family. - Vhile uo .ervtcei were held here on iHH-oration Pay, lor want ol a leader, there wa. a continual at ream ofptople going and coming liom the cemetery ull day, and .event' mad.ol beautiful flower, flow-er, wereatrr 'i on the grave. of loved one., aud V i.ght time the cemetery luid the itppeitrnuce ol a beautiful flower gitr ten. Mo ki oil he people took part in memory of their loved one. ; we have a very lew that think decorating the dead li all tiouienne. II there ever wa. any-i any-i thing luegurated that ba. a tendency to ' bring our thouglita toward thing, heavenly heaven-ly uud a union of our loved one., it It Decoration Pay. |