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Show PLACE OF HISTORICAL MEMORY. Fraunce'a Tavern In New York National Na-tional Institution. Doth borauno of Ita aiilPiulty and because be-cause of tho many historical memories that aro associated with It, Fraunce'a Tavorn In New York well deanrvea to be taken over hy tho city and main tallied aa public properly forevtr. Short of that, however. It la not un fitting that It should now become'tne headquarters of the New York It ate Bocloly of the Bona of the Revolttlon, which boa now puirhanod It. J . The tnveru stands at the eovrhcuit corner of Ilroad and Pearl itroeis, and orlRlnally waa the mansion of the Do-laneoy Do-laneoy family. Hnvlna later been turned Into a tavern, It became aa early aa 1763 assured of historical memory, for In that year It wltnoased tho orRUiilr.nllon of the Now York Chamber of Commerce. The event which Rave It Ita widest fumo, however, was Washington's farewell fare-well nieeiliiR with his "tilers at the close of thn revolutionary nr. Wuita-InRton Wuita-InRton chose It for hla headquarters when he entered the city after tho evacuation hy tho llrltlsh. Ha remained re-mained In New York hut nine days, and then at noon on Thursilny, riee. 4, 17S3, ho utnmoiied the chiefs of hla army to moot him In the xroat room of tho tavern. It waa one of the few occasions In Washington's llfo when ha Rare way to emotion. With the men beforo him he bud xhiired the perils and hardships of the hum years of tho war, Hla words to them wero: "With 1 heart full of love and Rrntlttnlo I nnw take leavo of you, and most devoutly wleh your latter days may he as prosper hub and hnppy as your former ones hnve been Rlorlous aud honorable." Ho drank their In-all li. and after pauso said: "I cannot ciimu to each of you to tnko my leave, but thai! he ohllRcd If you will each remit and shako me by tho hand." Qrn. Knox came forward first and then the other ofllcora silently In turn. Afterwards, aa before, tho tavern waa long the RatherltiR place of the men of wealth and fashion of Now York. Mnny a political movement In the early days of the repuhllr had Its headquarters there, nnd tho mi etlngs of the Clinton men. who rullt4 themselves them-selves "Federal Uepuullcatu," are especially remembered. Kow Aniorl-can Aniorl-can bulhilnRS have had an "active life" if that term muy he us'ld Vblch Btretched over so long 1 period aa had Fruuiue's Tavorn. |