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Show A Negro Would Have Known Better. There was one Incident that took place In the Waldorf-Astoria on Wednesday Wed-nesday night that was not recorded In the minutes of tbe meeting called to form a sncloty of Kcntucklans. John O. Carlisle was In tho middle of an address on the purpnso of the meeting when a door back of hla chair opened and a waiter made his appearance bearing a tray on which wore half a dozen glasses and a i pitcher of wator. I Mr. Carlisle's eloquonce over the ne cessity of the exiles from Ihe Dlue Grass country banding together bad hushed hla audience Into absolute a I- I leuce. Thn first thing that broke It as he came to a pause when the waiter wait-er entered was the tinkle of the Ice In the pitcher. When the welter placed the tray on Ihe table before Mr. Carllslo a titter ran over the audience, which finally I broke out Into a roar of Inughtur. No one spoke a word, but all stared at the rllcher of water. Uelng good Kontucklnna, they missed something. Tho waiter was an Alsntlnn and knew nothing of tho needs of Kentucky Ken-tucky gentlemen. New York Press. , |