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Show Wanamaker to 8ucceed Quay. A Washington spoclnl snys; Pree. Idont Roosevelt lost a grent lender In Sonator Matthew 8. Quay, and now thero Is wondorlng who will become the real spokesmnn for the administration adminis-tration In Pennsylvania. Fow doubt that former postmaster-general John Wanamaker will step to the front and make every posalhln effort to organize organ-ize a dominant party In the Keystone state. Ills ambition to go to Waah-I Waah-I Ington as a I'tilte.l States senator, so strong In other years, haa not j lessened with ago. and it la expoctod that Mr. Wauumnkor will soon be) ! planting his forces so aa to take ad- vantage of the loss, by the Quay fno, j tlon. of Its leadership. He will attempt at-tempt to wrest the scepter from hla political foemen and become tha "great I am" for the party in that state. |