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Show wtrtE fence oir.rvs larger. California sonijster Makes llae of Qutcr Storehouse. Wli.-n Hie l.ail.id wire fence flrat fame Into ue In California, rattle own--rs rtirsrd the Inventor. Nit an the butcher tilnl. Tim butt her bird In a creature iilNiut the aire of amall crow, and ho lives on Insects and smaller tilnlK. At flrt the farmora who tnntltutd I the barb-d wire wondered how so many grasshoppers, beetles, field mire and mnll birds became Impaled upon the barbs nf their fence wires. They 0011 learned, fur the hutrher bird la not aet relive creature. When grssa. boppera mid other bugs wero plentiful, plenti-ful, he gathered icrent atorea and aturk thern on the barha oriho fenrea. When 1 bard time ranie, the barbed wire tone waa to blm like free lunch counter. Now, In winter lime. It la no rare ! thl nit In pari of California to see the butrher bird hopping along the fenre wtrea, continually picking hla mitale la be aklpa from barb to hnrb, |