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Show Butter-Miiklng n Siberia. Hlberla. so long stretched before the imagination of the world as a land of now ami devolution, that even now, when the Trans Blberlan Itnllway baa been built ami when tho productiveness productive-ness of that vsxt country beginning to be understood, one Is rather sur-prlsci sur-prlsci to hear tlmt morn than $10,. OOii.miO worth of Imiti r nnnunlly exported ex-ported from Siberia, lis great plains afford gnml ginzlng. and wltliin tlireo yenrs ufler Ihn railway was opened' l.Oiin butter ninniifiietorles wero erected. The government lins now tin- ueriiiiien to fiirnmh frei lntrucilnn on a Inree scale In dairying mid but-tor-making. |