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Show Senator Quay Laid to B'' For two houra Tueailay, durl"K b funeral services over Iho rennii11 Hunator MulMiew Ktanley guj. lend-neaa lend-neaa wna auapeiided tlirouKhO'il the entire Heaver valley. In Hearer. I'a., Senator tjuny'e old home, the atroeta were throiiKed with cniwda (rem rounillng towna, anxious to ptf a laat trtbuto tu tho dend atntesman. A prl-vulu prl-vulu aervlco wna held at tht house, and under a guard of honor from tho Heaver (1. A. It. post, tho temaliia woro removed to tho Fourth I'reaby-lor I'reaby-lor church, whom for three hours tho public waa given an opiairtunity to view tho face of tho dead K-natiir. Thero wero lloral tributes fmm all parts of Iho country. A lnn;o "Hk Amerlrnn ting waw draped ai m the cnakct and no oilier d . eoralh n marked It. During Iho tlmn the Nuly lay In stale, aevernl tlioua.iDil persons per-sons viewed tho remains. |