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Show Could Not Predict Further, Moru than two yeura a friend of OeorRo II. McClclliin mado a waiter of a dinner for a dozen friends that ho could write tho unmo of the next niuy-or niuy-or of New York on a slip of puper. Ho wrote tho nnmo of Mr. Mc'JIollnti. put the paper lu tho snfo an 1 won his bet. Mayor MclHcllau und i'. Mruud HUcnicr were recnllliiR tho romarkulilo feat 111 polltlrttl predlcllon tho other dny. Tho tnit.vor anld: 'Tuke another an-other pci'p Into tho dim and distant futuro, old man, and tell mo what new honor la In alore for me." "Can't do It, Mr. Mayor," was tho reply. "Mr. Murphy, the Tammany bom, haa not tukon mo Into hla confidence tbta time," |