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Show PERSONAL NOTES Mr. George Thompson, stock buyer for tho Selgol-Caniplon Co., of Denver Den-ver was at the local stock yards dur-1 ing tho week. Ho is shipping three! cars of cattle from Lucln, Utah, to Denver, Colorado. I i W. R. Lewis and G. W. Bills havej shipped three cars of choice stock I from Soda Springs to the Union Stock Yards. Ogden stockmen say they are first class cattle. I Cattlemen from Vernon, Utah have been frequent visitors at the stock yards this week. Mr. J. E. Johnson and D. R. Green havo each shipped a car of cattlo here for distribution. One of the best cars of hogs received re-ceived during the week was from Ma-lad, Ma-lad, Idaho. The animals were placed on the local market by Bert Milley of Malad. Mr. Milley says Malad farmers far-mers are fast beginning to realize the extensive field in the hog business, especiall yin that part of the Gem state. Chas. Taylor brought i good car of cattle to the stock yards a few days ago. He was the only visitor of the we,ek from Provo. Al Weatherby of Caldwell, Idaho, visited Ogden last week and left a car of Idaho hogs at the local market. He is another booster of the hog raising rais-ing industry of Idaho. G. B. Montgomery from Rupert, Idaho, Ida-ho, was in the yards here during the week with a car of sheep and a car of hogs. He says that sheepmen of Idaho Ida-ho are on the warpath because of their loss from dogs. He states that the ranchers are united in their efforts to abolish the useless dog. Sheep killing dogs have recently caused a loss of about $1200 to the University of Idaho. They have killed and injured several purebred animals. Dean Iddings of the University of Idaho has taken the matter up with the chamber of commerce at Moscow. Two cars of cattle were brought from Faust. Utah during the week by Chas. Anderson, a prominent cattle man of that region. The Wild West Show at Cheyenne Is now in full swing. Representatives of various stock concerns from points all over the United States mee there at this famous event. Several market mar-ket men from the adjoining states are there. The big frontier celebration began be-gan last Wednesday and ends Friday night. This marks the Twenty-second celebration at Cheyenne, and is known as the country's most famous Wild West show. |