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Show ESTATE OF CHARLES F. MIDDLE-TON, MIDDLE-TON, DECEASED. The undersigned will sell, at private pri-vate sale, ono hundred and eighty shares ot the capital stock of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, a corporation, corpor-ation, of the par value of ten dollars per share, on or after the Eighth day of January, A. D. 1917, and written bids will be received at the late residence resi-dence of the deceased, No. 421 on 24'.h Street, in Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, until twelve o"clock noon ol said day. Terms of sale Cash, lawful money. Ten per cent to accompany bid and balance to be paid on confirmation con-firmation of sale by the court. Dated, December 27, 1916. REUBEN J. M1DDLETON, RACHEL M. MIDDLETON, Executors. |