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Show 00 DRAFT OF RACING RULES IS ACCEPTED. Chicago, Jan 5. Followers of harness har-ness racing today have before them rough drafts of a code of raring laws for tracks affiliated with both the National Na-tional and American Trotting associations associa-tions One of the chief new provisos is that the rules shall be mandatory and not subject to an alteration by officials offic-ials of any racing concern The claims of Frankie Russell of New Orleans, to the southprn lightweight light-weight championship were discounted when Jlmmie Hanlon of Denver, knocked him out last night in the j sixteenth round of a scheduled twenty j round bout in New Orleans. W. L. Wallen, Hamilton club, Chicago, Chi-cago, is holder of the central A. A. U. championship for the one mile 1 swim and A. Segal, Hamilton club, of the fifty yard swim as a result of matches in the I. A. C. tank in Chi-cage Chi-cage last night. Tedford Cann, New York A. C, defeated Perry' McGil llvray. I. A. C. in a special 220 yard swimming race. j "Bobby" Vaughn, mfic-ldpr with the Portland Coast league dug last season, sea-son, has been bought by thp Los Angeles An-geles owners from the St. Louis Americans. Am-ericans. Proposals to merge thp Three I. League and the Central association do not meet with the approval of the Peoria club owners, it was announced there last night. It was also determined determ-ined last night following a mass meet-Ing meet-Ing of Quincy enthusiasts that Quincy will retain its Three I. franchise through the formation of a fans' asso-. ciation. Football followers learnpd today of; 'li death in Minneapolis last night of William A. MeAlmon. former Univers-j Ity of Minnesota football star and for the last two years coach of the Grin-, nell (Iowa) University eleven. Columbus, O.. Jan. 4. Rough drafts of a code of racing laws for tracks affiliated af-filiated with both the National and I American Trotting associations were accepted tonight by the joint rules committee of the two governing organizations. organ-izations. One of thp principal npw provisos pro-visos is that the rules shall be ban-datory ban-datory and not subject to any alteration altera-tion whatsoever by officials of an individual in-dividual racing concern. Various systems under which races may be conducted are prescribed. 1 Hereafter it will not be possible for I any three-in live to terminate with the fifth heat in case of a split up. The: race must go on until one horse gets three heat9. Time allowances are not so liberal as heretofore. Weight making by drivers driv-ers is a ihing of the past and only winners of races will be charged with records. An effort to mark heat winners win-ners failed of adoption. New York, Jan. 5. Nominations for the futurity of 1019, to be held under the auspices of the Westchester Racing Rac-ing association at Belmont park, are ' likel to exceed the 1000 mark, Secre tary Earlocker declared today. When the entries closed Wednesday 630 had been received, but It is known that there are several hundred in the mails. Among these- ,tr- Jim irom John L. Madden of Lexington, Ky., and 100 from A. B. Hancock a Virginia breeder. |