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Show LAWSON TO TELL ALL MOWS Would Postpone His Trip to Europe to Testify Before Committee. Washington, Jan 1 Thomas W. Law son telegraphed Speaker dark to nlpht that he had cancelled plans for a trip to Europe and would be In Washington "before breakfast" Mon-rtav Mon-rtav morning to testify before th3 rules committee, which today ordered publie hearings on Representative Woods' charge that a leak gave Wall I street advance Information about President Wilson's peace note. Earlier, in response to a telegraphed subpoena, Mr Lawson had notified the speaker that he would be unable to appear because he was sailing for Eu- rope Saturday, and when the second message came house leaders were con- siderinc whether there was authority ! to bring the Hoston financier here by j force In accordance with a decision 1 reached by unanimous vote of the 'rules committee today, the first pub'ic hearing on the charges will opn tomorrow to-morrow morning. Inasmuch as Representative Repre-sentative Gardner, one of the chief witnesses expected to appear, is in Detroit and Mr Law son will not be hero, it is probable thnf thf committee wil adjourn over until Monday. Representative Rep-resentative Wood, father of the resolution, resolu-tion, is 'he only other witness the com-imitteo com-imitteo plans to call at this time. There was much speculation here tonight as to the identity of a New York hankers who Mr. Lawson said i in his first telegram might give In i formation about the leak and was also leaving for Europe There may be 'further communication with Mr. Law I son on this question. or, |