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Show I ai FOUND ; FORJW.LYSIS Most Wonderful of Medical Discoveries Made by a Chicago Chi-cago Physician. ( hicago, Jan. 1 One of the most wonderful of all medical discoerie9 was Joyfully ,'nnouneed today at the Cook county hospital The cure of Infantile paralysis, the scourge that has killed and maimed thousands of rhildren, is given to the world by Dr. lohn YV. Nuzum, the hospitals re6ident pathologist Having practiced prac-ticed medicine onlv three years, this soune. slight, very retiring phvsician hag given the world what it has prayed for since the terrors of infan- tile paralysis were first known to' i he world of children. R. T. Crane.' Ir. offered $25,ii0n last August to the man who would first find a rure for1 the plague, In all probability the reward will go to Dr. Nuzum. He hasn't ihought of that. He is still workinc, as he has been working, ill day and far into the night, mak- j ing more serum. Dr Xuzuni is so modest that he I HSked his roommate and co-worker.; Dr Karl Meyer, of the county hospital, hos-pital, to tell'about it for him "They laugh at you and joke about it out here if you get your name in the paper," said the quiet little fellow, jj M, 'who in his twenty-ninth year has j j accomplished what would have been! j worth a whole life's effort 1 Then Dr Meyer had this to say; "These iwo little people who are iV-ing brought back to health by the I new discovery are Louis Silverstein, 14 months old. who was brought to j us December 10, and a girl brought here December 29. After the boy had been in the hospital four days the test was made and the paralysis germ found The hospital physician who made the test of the spinal fluid' did not know what the organism as. He took it to Dr. Nuzum and was told i that it was the newly found paralysis J, germ. The child was In a comatose state when he came to us, and he had the most dangerous form of the disease. dis-ease. The brain w as affected He has I had only three injections and he was I about cured. Today the little fellow 1 J I '.one down with diphtheria. He had ' up a slight attack of that when he first' W came. "The other patient is a girl, Oer-i , " trude Slomniski. She had been ill 1 two days with the disease There was, paralysis in the .limbs and paresis In Ithe arms. W e have Riven her only two injections and both arms and! ne of the limbs are all right again ; "The public should be Riven to understand un-derstand that the great safety is In ! early diagnosis. The physicians" should 1 make the spinal fluid test, and if they I can'l d it themselves gt someone! who can. We will not be able to cure cases whore the parahsis occurred a I year oi several months ago." |