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Show SHERIFF'S SALE. In the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah, R. D. Pincock, Plaintiff, vs. Slmoen W. Cragun and Blanche R. Cragun, Defendants, ss. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on tho 12ih day of January, 1917, at 12 O'clock noon of said day at the south front door of the Weber County Coun-ty Court house, in Ogden City, Weber We-ber County, Utah, the following described de-scribed property, to-wlt: Situated in Weber County, Utah, and described as follows: A part of' tho northeast quarter of Section 25, I Township 7, North ltauge 2 West of I the Salt Lake Meridian, United Slates survey, Beginning at a point 5.17 chains south of the northeast corner ! of said quarter section and running thence south 19.21 chains, thence ' south 19 degrees 19 minutes west 7.69 chains, thence north 62 degrees 21 minutes, west 6.36 chains, thence south 34 degrees 20 minutes west 6.70 chains, thenco south 67 degrees west 16.03 chains, thence west 2.48 chains, thence north 37 degrees 42 minutes east 44 85 chains, thence south 65 degrees de-grees east 2.16 chains to the place of beginning. Together with all water right or interest in water shares as now and heretofore used on said premises, and being more particular; ly designated as 24 hours 01 water in the Alder Creek and 105 shares in tho North Ogden Irrigation company's canai. Together with u driveway over a tract of ground lying east and south of these premises to a public road. JOSEPH E. EVANS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at Ogden CRy, Weber County, Utah, this 21st day of December, 1916. T. A. DEVINE, Sheriff of Weber County, Utah, by Curtis Allison, Deputy Sheriff. |