Show COAL EMBARGO ANGERSNORWAY I Papers Attack British Minister's Minis-ter's Act Restricting Impor- I tations to Norwegian . I Ports. I Loudon. Jan. 4. 7:50 a. m. A Copen- I hagen despatch to the Exchange Tele. j I graph companv says that most of the I Norwegian papers have attacked tho I British minister in Chnstiania in eon- I uection With the embargo on coal pro- I claimed by Great Britain. I The Norske Intelligenszdler reports I that the Norwegian reply has been J I handd the British representative and leaves no doubt that Norway is loyal ly maintaining the export prohibitions regarding fish and other goods I The Gazette says that there js a 1 great quantity of coal in Norway and no prospect of a shortage. I I British Coal Embargo. I Berlin. Jan. i By wireless to Say- J ville. Tho Overseas News Agency says that no future delivery of coal to H Norway will be permitted by the Brit- iah only in case Norwegian ship i H carry coal to Italy nnd France at ' H fixed rates. H I I |