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Show GAMBLING FINES BRING CITY $140 The munilpal court sessions wore resumed today, after a day's postpone. ment on account of the funeral of Simon Si-mon Barker, grandfather of Municipal Munici-pal ludge George S. Barker. Tbe first j matter of business brought up was the, case of the city vs. Slim Ixra. Charlie Sing. Sam Lot, Len Chow and Wil Pong, C'hiese, and M. Yaniata, Y Keno and 6. Sama, Japanese The orientals were taken into custody by Sergeant Blackburn and Patrolman Kelliher on the nlghl of December A. when they raided an alleged gambling house at 2468 Lincoln avenue. The four Chinese Chi-nese first named were charged with gambling and forfeited $'-'", eac h. il Kong and the three- Japanese were charged with vagrancy and they eath luileited Jin. Charles Hartley. Pablo Kuores and J. P. Johnson, found guilty of drunkenness drunk-enness were each sentelnced to serve five days in Jail or to pay a V fine. John Luclwie, a mendicant arrested on Washington avenue, near Twenty, fourth street, yesterday t,v Detective J. L. Hobson, was sentenced to serve 10 day8 In jail. B. H . Hoffman, A. T. Coviska and B F. Sullivan, taken into eustocU last night b Sergeant Black-burn Black-burn and Patrolmen Richardson and MOore, each forfeited $1" bail. They Were charged with disturbing the peace. P. C. Johnson, arrested last night on lower Twenty-fifth si reel, bj Patrol-man Patrol-man Famea Hearn, on a charge of disturbing dis-turbing the peace, was fined $" S:im Onello, a local fruit and vegetable vege-table merchant, was convicted of re. eelviiip stolen property and was sen- tencecl to pay a $-5 fine or to serve 1 25 days in Jail Notice of an appeal from the Judgment of tho court was i entered by Attornev W. H. Reeder, Jr., tor the defendant Onello was arrested yesterday by Detective j L. Hobson with a rain coat, recently stolen from the W. IT. Wright & Sons' store, in his possos-8lon. possos-8lon. Testimony introduced by the prosecution tended to prove that he purchased the coat knowing that it had been stolen. This Onello denied, claiming that the coat had been forced upon him by one, John Doe, who is nov, under arrest on tho charge of stealing it, just before the officers came upon (he scene. |